Page 25: of Marine News Magazine (April 2018)
Boatbuilding, Construction & Repair
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ment statewide. This equipment makes-up only 4% of port- California regulators have targeted the maritime indus- related diesel emissions and less than 1% of regional diesel try to lead the way on zero emissions because it can. State emissions. Or, we can place our bets on electri? ed versions regulators are poised to set aggressive maritime sector tar- of the existing diesel-powered equipment marine terminals gets that are decades ahead of the requirements proposed currently use. It should be noted that this equipment does for other California industrial sectors. In doing so, it shifts not currently exist and nor does any of the supporting infra- the costs of technology development from all California structure necessary to power it. To further complicate mat- industrial sectors to the maritime sector. The maritime ters, tackling zero emission “solutions” for other port-related sector will have to bear the burden of technology develop- equipment (locomotives, drayage trucks, harbor craft and ment that the rest of the State will be able to rely on to tugs) is even more challenging and more expensive. meet their requirements decades later.
How California ports accomplish this transition to zero- All of this “leadership” is happening in the context of emissions while remaining both competitive and an indus- a decade-long slide in California ports’ market share – a try leader remains unanswered. trend that isn’t likely to end soon. Both California ports
Not to be out done, California’s regulators are taking a and regulators assure stakeholders that they will proceed cue from the ports and pressing for even more aggressive judiciously and do not wish to harm the source of tens action. In a proposal heard by the California Air Resources of thousands of jobs statewide. To that end, both port
Board (CARB) at the end of March, California will lay authorities and the State have repeatedly called for other out their new vision for tackling emissions. This updated jurisdictions to follow their lead to help maintain an even vision calls for beginning the transition to zero-emission playing ? eld. No one has followed. cargo-handling equipment early, in 2026, despite the fact Despite efforts by California ports and regulators to form that no equipment capable of successfully operating in a partnerships outside of California, no dominoes have fallen marine terminal environment exists. elsewhere. The question to be asked, after more than a de-
Even more disturbing, it upends the traditional approach cade of California “leading” the way, is anyone willing to fol- to improving air quality. Normally, the State would require low? Or, will California and its ports continue to stand alone?
equipment manufacturers to build and sell equipment that meets an emissions performance standard. California would
Thomas A. Jelenic is Vice President for Paci? c Merchant
Shipping Association (PMSA). Mr. Jelenic works with policy makers, sometimes match that demand with a requirement that regulators, industry leaders and other entities to help ensure that sound forces users to retire the oldest equipment to accelerate the science and industry issues are part of the discussion as California introduction of the newest, cleanest equipment. This time, continues to call for the increased use of zero and near-zero emissions no proposal for tighter (or even zero) emission standards equipment at California’s ports and throughout the goods movement exists and there is no requirement for equipment manufac- industry. Jelenic has two decades of maritime industry experience, including more than 14 years in environmental and planning positions turers to sell zero emission equipment. Instead, it appears at the Port of Long Beach, the nation’s second busiest seaport, and that California will give the equipment users a hearty “good senior management roles in private consulting and logistics development.
luck” and the sole burden to ? nd such equipment. 25 www.marinelink.com MN
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