Page 72: of Marine News Magazine (May 2018)
Inland Waterways
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Precise Positioning with
Posidyne Clutch/Brakes
Posidyne clutch brakes feature oil shear technology for rapid and pre- cise stopping, starting, speed change and positioning, all without adjust- ment or maintenance. Designed
MobileOps Bolsters with low inertia cycling compo-
New Features Available
Safety, Maintenance and nents makes the Posidyne clutch in NavCad 2018
Regulatory Initiatives brake more ef? cient, requiring less
For hydrodynamic design and analy-
The MobileOps Platform, used across motor horsepower to accelerate the sis of ships and other marine vehicles, a ? eet of vessels will facilitate safety, load, and less torque to stop the design engineers turn to NavCad for maintenance, and regulatory initia- load. An enclosed design is ideal for the prediction of attainable speed and tives – like SubM, for example. With hostile environments, impervious range, power demand, fuel consump- changes to legislation, industry prac- to dust and weather. tion, even noise. The new NavCad tice and expectations, MobileOps www.forcecontrol.com
Premium Edition features for dual simpli? es paperwork and processes fuel, calculation of CO2 production, for different aspects of workboat op- and the longitudinal wave source erations. The MobileOps Platform is plots are very signi? cant, especially a cloud-based subscription solution for LNG vessels. Users achieve simu- that includes both a Web Application lation of the Hull-Propulsor-Drive- and an of? ine-capable iPad applica-
Engine system in seconds. tion called Voyager. www.hydrocompinc.com/navcad www.mobileops.co
Workboat Operators
Select IMTRA for Wide
Range of Gear
IMTRA provides offshore series
LED deck lights, Exalto and Roca windshield wipers, Side-Power thrusters and Zipwake Dynamic
Trim Control Systems to workboat
Cortec VpCI-649 BD operators everywhere. LED deck
Fights Corrosion, Scale, lights are engineered by Vision X to and Odors
Hougen Drills Offer provide superior illumination with
Cortec’s VpCI-649 BD is designed
More Tooling Options exceptional durability. IMTRA wip-
Hougen Manufacturing’s portable to provide long-term protection ers are designed to offer unparalleled
HMD2MT magnetic drill features a for ferrous and non-ferrous metals options. Side-Power thruster sys- #2 Morse Taper arbor system for in- in fresh water, steam, and glycol tems make installing a bow thruster creased versatility. With a Morse Ta- closed-loop systems. It is also effec- on a workboat more common. per arbor system, the HMD2MT can tive at stopping aggressive corrosion www.akzonobel.com accept standard #2 Morse Taper acces- in a broad range of applications, sories. This gives the drill the ability including, closed loop cooling sys- to tap holes using Hougen’s tapping tems, cooling system lay-up, hydro- adapter, use reamers for cleaning or static testing of pressurized vessels enlarging holes, twist drills for blind and pipelines, ? re extinguishing and smaller holes, and much more. systems, oil storage tanks and more. www.hougen.com www.cortecwatertreatment.com
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