Page 80: of Marine News Magazine (May 2018)
Inland Waterways
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Page Company Website Phone# 59 Ahead Sanitation www.aheadsanitationsystems.com (337) 330-4407 53 All American Marine www.allamericanmarine.com (360) 647-7602 39 Blommaert www.blommaertalu.com/en/home (323) 353-2689 5 CK Power www.ckpower.com (314) 569-8229 38 Cygnus Instruments www.cygnusinstruments.com (410) 267-9771 15 David Clark Company www.DavidClark.com/Marine (800) 298-6235 55 Delgado Maritime & Ind. Training www.dcc.edu/academics/workforce/maritime-? re (504) 671-6620 378-4182 57 Diesel America West, Inc. / LOADSTAR (A DA West Company) www.dawest.com (360) 19 Eastern Shipbuilding Group www.easternshipbuilding.com (850) 763-1900 25 ECM Training Services LLC www.ecmtrainingservices.com (203) 810-5181
C2 Engines, Inc. www.enginespower.com (870) 268-3700 57 Environmental Marine, Inc. www.envmar.com (606) 561-4697 29 FLIR Systems, Inc. www.? ir.com (603) 324-7700 49 GP Link www.gplink.com (252) 504-5113 35 Harken www.harken.com (262) 691-3320 43 Interstate-McBee www.interstate-mcbee.com (216) 881-0015 31 Karl Senner LLC www.karlsenner.com (504) 469-4000 7 Louisiana Cat www.LouisianaCat.com/Marine (866) 843-7440 23 McDermott Light & Signal www.mcdermottlight.com (718) 456-3606 69 McDonough Marine Services www.mcdonoughmarine.com (504) 780-8100 45 Metal Trades Inc. www.metaltrades.com (843) 889-5143 26 Metals USA www.metalsusa.com (800) 523-3340 51 MOPS Maritime License Insurance www.mopslicenseins.com (800) 782-8902 ext 3305 57 North River Boats www.northriverboats.com (541) 673-2438 17 Parker Water Puri? cation www.parker.com (310) 637-3400 53 Pivotal LNG www.pivotallng.com (713) 300-5116 9 PPG Protective & Marine Coatings www.ppgpmc.com 1-888-9PPGPMC 51 Quest www.questprotect.com/mn (866) 659-5532
C4 R.W. Fernstrum & Company www.fernstrum.com (906) 863-5553 45 Schoellhorn-Albrecht www.schoellhorn-albrecht.com (314) 965-3339 20,46 Schuyler Rubber www.schuylerco.com (800) 426-3917 61 Scienco/Fast Systems www.sciencofast.com (866) 652-4539 55 Simplex Americas www.simplexamericas.com (908) 237-9099 13 Stearns/Coleman www.stearns? otation.com (316) 832-2981 1 Superior Industries www.superior-ind.com (320) 589-2406 31 Teufelberger Fiber Rope Corp. www.teufelberger.com (800) 333-6679 59 The Spring? eld Marine Company www.spring? eldgrp.com (417) 616-6707 21 Tidewater Marine www.tdw.com (504) 568-1010 24 TPG Mount Vernon Marine LLC www.tpgmarine.com (812) 838-4889 47 Viega LLC www.viega.us/About-us (316) 425-7400 3 Vigor www.vigor.net [email protected] 11 Volvo Penta www.volvopenta.com Please visit our website 23 YANMAR America Corporation www.yanmar.com/us Visit us online 41 ZF Marine LLC mn.zfmarinecc.com Visit us online
The listings above are an editorial service provided for the convenience of our readers.
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