Page 45: of Marine News Magazine (June 2018)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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Powered by twin Cummins Marine QSB6.7 diesel en- eration in a wide range of disaster response scenarios.
gines coupled with Konrad 680B counter-rotating dual- Powered by twin Evinrude E-TEC G2 300HP outboard prop stern drives, the 38 De? ant reaches top speeds in excess engines, VIPA’s 32 De? ant port security vessel cruises at 35 of 45 knots. A fully-enclosed pilothouse shields the crew knots and achieves top speeds approaching 50 knots.
from the elements, while Metal Shark’s signature “Pillar- “Metal Shark has expanded into the pilot boat market less Glass” pilothouse arrangement assures unimpeded vis- by applying the same principles that made us so successful ibility, day or night. Specially engineered composite armor in the military patrol boat sector,” explained Metal Shark’s panels provide ballistic crew protection from unfriendly CEO Chris Allard. “We start with a proven hull design to ? re. Shockwave Corbin shock-mitigating seating has been deliver a boat that performs well and is built to last. Be- provided for a crew of six, and anti-fatigue ? oor covering yond that, we focus on offering genuine improvements by has been employed in the pilothouse and the belowdecks incorporating modern features into smarter and more user crew spaces. For extended patrols at sea, accommodations friendly arrangements that simply work better than what’s include an enclosed head compartment, galley, and v-berth. out there. We continue to gain customers in new markets by delivering improved platforms that deliver tangible and
Two Ways to Serve the U.S. Virgin Islands sometimes unexpected bene? ts to operators.”
Just prior to their 4-hull delivery to Curacao, Metal
Shark in April also delivered two new custom welded Metal Shark Deliveries to Vietnam Continue aluminum vessels to the Virgin Islands Port Authority Also in April, another six Metal Shark military patrol boats (VIPA). The vessels, designed by Metal Shark and built were delivered to the Vietnam Coast Guard. This newest at the company’s Jeanerette, Louisiana production facil- round of vessels follows an initial six-vessel delivery of Met- ity, were delivered to St. Thomas and transferred to VIPA. al Shark 45-foot De? ant-class patrol boats to the Vietnam
Both vessels are now operating and serve the island of St. Coast Guard in the province of Quang Nam in May of 2017.
Thomas and also nearby St. John. Underscoring the increasingly cordial relationship between
The new pilot boat is a 45-foot De? ant-class monohull Washington and Hanoi, the new Metal Shark patrol boats pilothouse vessel with a military-proven hull design and a were handed over during the inaugural visit of U.S. Coast unique deck arrangement speci? cally designed for pilot Guard Vice Admiral Fred M. Midgette at a delivery ceremony operations. This vessel’s climate-controlled pilothouse also on March 28th at the Vietnam Coast Guard’s Region 4 sta- features Metal Shark’s signature “Pillarless Glass” for signi? - tion on Phu Quoc Island, the farthest southwestern territory cantly improved visibility, in a reverse-raked arrangement of Vietnam. The boats were part of a 20 million dollar trans- developed by Metal Shark with input from numerous pilot fer of infrastructure and equipment by the U.S. to Vietnam. groups. Visibility is further augmented by the vessel’s elevat- ed, centerline helm position. Large opening side and aft pi- Competing and Winning in Overseas Markets lothouse windows and a wireless crew communication head- Metal Shark will tell you that there’s no silver bullet for set system facilitate crew coordination during pilot transfers, making it happen in the export markets, especially where and large overhead skylights provide upward visibility while it involves patrol boats and other military craft. It’s about approaching and operating alongside moving ships. price, to be sure, but more importantly, it has more to do
Powered by twin Cummins Marine QSM11 diesel en- with quality, prompt, on time deliveries, and the ability to gines coupled with Hamilton HJ322 waterjets, the 45 De- provide service after the sale.
? ant Pilot demonstrates pinpoint maneuverability while It’s simpler than that, actually. Metal Shark’s CEO Chris delivering a cruise speed in excess of 30 knots and a top Allard told MarineNews in May, “With our extensive port- speed in the 40 knot range. folio of great-performing hull designs and the ? exibility
For its new port security patrol boat, VIPA selected Metal of our design team to meet customers’ needs with innova-
Shark’s 32’ De? ant, a proven patrol platform with over 100 tive solutions, we continue to expand Metal Shark’s global units in military and law enforcement service worldwide. footprint.” By-the-Numbers, that adds up to 50 countries,
Funded in part by a FEMA Port Security Grant, the vessel has hundreds of boats delivered and an enviable backlog. Who been out? tted with a positive-pressure Chemical, Biological, says U.S. yards can’t compete in the international arena?
Radiological, Nuclear, and high-yield Explosive (CBRNE) Today, Metal Shark is not only competing; they’re also crew protection system to assure safe and uninterrupted op- winning – here and across the Big Pond.
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