Page 97: of Marine News Magazine (November 2018)
Workboat Annual
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Superior Industries adds Three to
Management Team
All American Marine
Ballard Wille de Leeuw Lamb Garamendi O’Toole maritime industry. Garamendi’s long-
USMMA Welcomes standing support for U.S. maritime
Academic Dean and Provost
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy is demonstrated through his work as
Garinger Hrbek at Kings Point (USMMA) has in- ranking member of the House Coast stalled John R. Ballard, Ph.D., as the Guard and Maritime Transportation new Academic Dean and Provost. Dr. Subcommittee of the House Trans-
Ballard will serve as the chief academ- portation Committee. ic of? cer and principal advisor to the
Wille, Lamb Join AAM
Superintendent in all matters relating to the academic program and faculty. Ron Wille has joined the All Ameri-
He will also co-chair the educational can Marine (AAM) team as Business priority working group for the recent- Development Manager. Ron has 25
Rodriguez ly released USMMA Strategic Plan. years of experience in the maritime in- dustry, the last 15 of which were spent at Kenai Fjords Tours in Seward,
Damen Appoints RoPax
Superior Industries has ap-
Alaska. During Ron’s tenure at KFT,
Sales Director pointed John Rodriguez to be the
Damen Shipyards Group has appoint- he had the unique opportunity of ? rm’s ? rst director of products and applications, where he will lead ed Chiel de Leeuw to the position of purchasing and operating three AAM
Superior’s team of product man- Sales Director of RoPax. Chiel will hydrofoil assisted vessels. Separately, agers. Rodriguez has more than be responsible for creating new busi- Bronson Lamb has been named as All 30-years of experience the manu- ness in the RoRo and RoPax markets American Marine’s Marketing Man- facturing sector. Phil Garinger has for vessels over 120 meters in length. ager. After attending the University of been named as new equipment
Chiel is an authority on this ves- Colorado, Bronson spent seven years territory sales manager in Ontario, sel class having successfully served as in the ? lm and television industry as
Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Ad- sales manager for Western Europe, a a producer and editor. He completed ditionally, he will support dealers role that involved him in a wide vari- his MBA and also started a marketing in Alberta and British Columbia. ety of ferry projects. As Sales Director and advertising agency, of which he is
Garinger also has experience as an engineer, including mechanical RoPax he has now become the public still a partner and advisor. design and teaching. Brad Hrbek face of Damen within this sector.
MJP Names Business has joined the domestic equip- ment sales team. Hrbek, who will
Garamendi is AMP’s Development VP celebrate a quarter-century of ser- Marine Jet Power (MJP) announced ‘Champion of Maritime’ vice to industry next year, is Su-
The American Maritime Partner- that Damian O’Toole joined the perior’s new equipment territory ship (AMP) last month recognized business development team as Execu- sales manager in the Southeast
U.S. Congressman John Garamendi tive Vice President of Sales, Marketing
United States. Most recently, he (D-CA) with the 2018 ‘Champion and Aftersales Service Solutions. With had a 13-year career with Trio En- of Maritime’ Award. AMP confers more than 15 years of executive busi- gineered Products, where he was its highest award – the ‘Champion ness management experience, Dami- responsible for sales support and of Maritime’ Award – to a Member an most recently Damian served as a processing plant design.
of Congress for extraordinary sup- Director of Wärtsilä Seals & Bearings port and dedication to the American and has served on numerous Boards. 97 www.marinelink.com MN
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