Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (December 2018)
Innovative Products & Boats
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KVH Industries AAPA
Fieldman Cohen Yoseph Noble Nagle Bruun Friedman Woodhead Cernak
Mr. Lee was sworn in to a seat on the rine Group team, and has also served
Bouchard’s Cohen seven-member Board. Lee, President in positions of progressive leadership
Promoted to Director of ISM and CEO of Oakland-based YHLA Ar- Bouchard Transportation recently and responsibility with both Arctic chitects, replaces eight-year Board veter- congratulated Lawrence Cohen on Cat and Honda Motor Company. No- an Alan Yee, whose latest term expired. his successful completion of Inter- ble has a bachelor’s degree in business national Safety Management (ISM) marketing from St. Mary’s University.
KVH Announces Two Key
Certi? cation Training. The ? rm also
Leadership Positions AAPA CEO Nagle announced his promotion to Director
Will Retire in 2019
KVH Industries announced that of ISM and Audit Inspections. Cohen
Brent Bruun has expanded his respon- joined Bouchard in August, 2016 as Kurt J. Nagle, long-time president & sibilities as chief operating of? cer, and Safety and Vetting Coordinator. He chief executive of? cer of the American
Mark Woodhead has been named ex- Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) graduated from SUNY Maritime Col- ecutive vice president of mobile con- lege in 2013, with a degree in Marine announced last month that he will be nectivity. The promotions leverage Transportation. He holds licenses as a retiring from the association next fall, the business and maritime industry 2nd Mate of Unlimited Tonnage and following more than 33 years of ser- experience of the two leaders. Bruun a Senior Dynamic Positioning Of? cer. vice. Nagle began his work at AAPA will now spearhead corporate business in 1985 as the membership services development; oversee all operational director, following seven years at the
Ashur Yoseph Joins WSP’s and ? nancial aspects of KVH’s mobile National Coal Association and Coal
San Francisco Of? ce connectivity and inertial navigation Ashur Yoseph has joined WSP USA as Exporters Association. In 1995, he was businesses; lead ? nancial planning a senior vice president in the ? rm’s San appointed AAPA’s president & CEO, a and analysis; foster investor relations; Francisco of? ce. Yoseph will be respon- position he has held for 23 years. and work toward organizational excel- sible for business development in sup-
Port of Cleveland CEO lence across the global company. port of WSP’s property and buildings
William Friedman Named and transportation and infrastructure
Fieldman Joins Bouchard as AAPA Chairman businesses. His more than three decades
Risk Manager of experience includes advancing and William D. Friedman, president and chief executive of? cer for the Port of
Bouchard Transportation announced implementing strategies to increase pub- that Rick Fieldman joined the Com- Cleveland, has begun his one-year lic as well as private sector expansion. pany as Risk Manager. Fieldman has term as the 2018-19 chairman of the over forty years of experience in the board for the American Association of
BRP Marine Group Appoints marine insurance ? eld. Aside from Port Authorities (AAPA). The Port of
Network Development Director working with four multinational BRP Marine Group has named Cleveland is a growing international marine insurance brokers over the Dustin Noble to be their new direc- gateway serving Midwestern indus- years, Rick also spent a total of six tor of network development. Noble tries on the Great Lakes while spurring years on the marine insurance un- will be responsible for managing and job creation and economic vitality in derwriting side, in addition to a expanding the BRP Marine Group Ohio’s Cuyahoga County. Friedman short stint with a large Stevedoring dealer and distributor network. Noble succeeds Steve Cernak, chief execu- company where he served as Direc- served as director of sales – PG&A at tive and port director for Broward tor of Insurance and Claims. Textron prior to joining the BRP Ma- County, Fla.’s Port Everglades.
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