Page 51: of Marine News Magazine (January 2019)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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Construction on OSU Research Ship Starts
Louisiana at Gulf Island Shipyards. The ship will be the ? rst in a class of Regional Class Research Vessels funded by the
National Science Foundation. The vessel is scheduled for delivery to Oregon State in the spring of 2021, and will be fully operational after a year of out? tting and testing. NSF has contracted with OSU to build a second similar research vessel, which will be operated by a consortium led by the
University of Rhode Island. Earlier, NSF awarded OSU a grant of $121.88 million to launch the construction of the
Construction of a new Oregon State University-bound ? rst vessel, representing the largest grant in the university’s research ship that will advance the science of coastal en- history. This past summer, the grant was supplemented with vironments, and support research on topics such as ocean an additional $88 million, allowing Gulf Island Shipyards acidi? cation, hypoxia, and sea level rise, of? cially began LLC to proceed with the contract for the second vessel.
Name: Taani Endurance: 5,000 nm / 21 Days Cruising Speed: 11.5 knots
LOA: 199 feet Capacity: 16 scientists / 13 crew Maximum Speed: 13 knots
Southwest AK Pilots Take Delivery of Gladding-Hearn Pilot Boat
The Southwest Alaska Pilots Association has taken deliv- ery of a new pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding,
Duclos Corporation. Notably, the wheelhouse, mounted to the ? ush deck amidships, features direct glaze-heated win- dows. It is out? tted with six Norsap shock-mitigating seats, a settee, berth, and a small galley behind the pilot seats.
An eight-camera LCD CCTV system was installed in the wheelhouse, with four cameras mounted in the engine room and two cameras in the jet room. On deck are two cameras, one looking forward and one aft. Interior sound levels at a combination of electric resistance and hydronic heating full power are under 74 dBA. Outside of the wheelhouse, systems. The vessel is out? tted with a handheld remote for the roof, main deck, and all of the handrails are heated by use of the port and starboard hydraulic rescue davits.
DLBA partners with Champion’s Auto Ferry the vessel provides an optimal platform for roll on/roll off service enhanced by Champion’s proprietary ramp design.
The vessel’s all steel construction hull has been designed to increase structural strength for ice and high-impact side loading that could occur in operation. The large open deck has been designed to withstand the most severe vehicle
DLBA announced a partnership with Champion’s Auto loadings, allowing for the vessel to carry the heaviest land-
Ferry for the development of a new double-ended ferry. based construction and lifting equipment. The vessel’s ? ex-
The vessel was designed for commercial passenger service in ible design will also accommodate other propulsion pack-
Michigan and has been ruggedized for rigorous all-weather ages from Caterpillar, Volvo, and John Deere. Provisions operation. Designed to ? t three car lanes by integrating a for a modular dry exhaust are being provided to allow for lightweight deckhouse design for the local river operation, simpler engine maintenance and ? exibility.
Propulsion: Cummins QSL9 Class: ABS SVU90M LOA: 84 feet
USCG Type: subchapter T Gears: Twin Disc Beam: 31 feet 51 www.marinelink.com MN
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