Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (January 2019)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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Baker Equinor McKibbon Perciavalle which were awarded to the cadets based leverage opportunities around the
U.S.-Flag Lakes November on academic performance, ? nancial globe. McKibben received a Bachelor
Cargo Mirrors One Year Ago need and interest in pursuing careers of Arts degree from West Virginia U.S.-? ag Great Lakes freighters (lak- at sea. Recipients included second-class State University and a Juris Doctor ers) moved 8.6 million tons of cargo midshipman Michael Bell, Charles B. from Harvard Law School. in November, a virtual repeat of a year
Hughes, a midshipman is studying ma- ago. The November ? oat was also
Equinor Acquires MA rine engineering and shipyard manage- a near carbon copy of the month’s
Offshore Wind Lease ment, William Quigley, a midshipman 5-year average. Iron ore cargos for majoring in maritime logistics and secu- Equinor has been declared the provi- steel production totaled 4.6 million rity and William Wood, a midshipman. sional winner of one of the three leases tons, an increase of 9.6 percent com-
Since 1984, Crowley has provided more offered in the U.S. government’s wind pared to a year ago. Coal loads totaled than $3 million dollars in scholarship lease sale for an area offshore the 1.3 million tons, again little changed funding for more than 1,000 students. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. from a year ago. Shipments of aggre-
Equinor submitted a winning bid of gate, ? uxstone, chemical stone and
USD 135 million for lease OCS-A scrubber stone totaled 2.3 million
Port of New Orleans 0520, during the online offshore wind tons, a decrease of 8 percent com-
Board Elects Arnold
Baker as Chairman auction conducted by the U.S. De- pared to a year ago. Year-to-date U.S.-
The Board of Commissioners of the partment of the Interior’s Bureau of ? ag cargo movement stands at 75.3
Port of New Orleans selected a new Ex-
Ocean Energy Management. The new million tons, a decrease of 4.2 percent ecutive Committee with the election of lease located south of Massachusetts compared to the same point in 2017.
Arnold B. Baker as Chairman, Tara C. and east of New York gives Equinor a Coal loadings total 10.3 million tons,
Hernandez as Vice Chair and Darryl strong strategic position. a decrease of 14.7 percent. Limestone
D. Berger as Secretary-Treasurer. Baker totals 20.6 million tons, an increase of joined the Board in April 2015 when
Austal USA Awarded 88,000 tons compared to a year ago.
LCS 36 and 38 he was appointed by former Gov. Bob- by Jindal. He succeeds Laney Chouest Austal USA was awarded a contract by
U.S. Ports, Seaway Shipping whose term as Chairman expired this the U.S. Navy to build two LCS for
Reporting Strong 2018 Finish month. Chouest will continue to serve the US Navy ? eet – bringing the total The St. Lawrence Seaway and Great as a commissioner until his ? ve-year to four LCS awarded to Austal USA Lakes ports are reporting strong term ends in June 2019. in 2018. The speci? c value of each growth in November cargo volumes. contract is under the congressional Overall cargo volumes through the St. cost cap of $584 million per ship. “To Lawrence Seaway from March 29 to
McKibben Joins HII BoD be awarded two more LCS contracts November 30 topped 36 million met-
Tracy McKibbon has joined the Hun- tington Ingalls Industries’ Board of before the end of the year is beyond ric tons, up 5.3 per cent over the same
Directors. McKibben is the founder exciting,” said Austal USA President period in 2017. Grain exports and and CEO of MAC Energy Advisors, Craig Perciavalle. With eight de- road salt were highlights of activity in
LLC, an investment and consulting livered, six under construction, and November. Seaway salt shipments are company that provides integrated, three awaiting start of construction, ahead of last year’s volumes, totaling innovative and cost-ef? cient energy these two additional ships represent 2.2 million metric tons up to the end solutions to help clients effectively Austal USA’s eighteenth and nine- of November. Year-to-date U.S. grain use capital to strategically expand and teenth ships in the class. volumes via the Seaway have surpassed
January 2019
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