Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (January 2019)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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Illinois Soybean Association Vessel Incidental Discharge Act World Fuel Services multi-mission dry dock and other USCG develops implementing regula-
ISA Rallies U.S. Growers to upgrades at Portsmouth Naval Ship- tions for those NSPs (~ 4 years). The
Consider Box Shipping for yard (PNSY) in Kittery, Maine. The Small Vessel General Permit (sVGP) is
Record Harvest
The anticipated bumper harvest of U.S. projects represent tasks under Stan- repealed effective immediately. Speci? - soybeans this fall amid a trade dispute tec’s $60 million inde? nite-delivery/ cally, discharges incidental to the nor- with China presents an opportunity inde? nite-quantity (IDIQ) contract mal operation, except for ballast water, for growers to reach new international for multi-discipline waterfront archi- from small vessels less than 79 feet in markets with containerized shipping. tect-engineering services for the Na- length and commercial ? shing vessels
Farmers this spring sowed more soy- val Facilities Engineering Command of all sizes no longer require National beans than corn for the ? rst time in 35 (NAVFAC), Mid-Atlantic region. Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sys- years. But prices have dropped since One key area of focus is the shipyard’s tem (NPDES) permit coverage. Thus,
China, the world’s biggest market for dry docks. The Navy is planning a $20 permit coverage for any vessel covered soybeans, placed a 25 percent tax on billion capital program to modernize under the sVGP is automatically ter- imported U.S. soybeans, in response and restore the public shipyards. minated. No further action on the part to U.S. tariffs on a swath of Chinese of vessel operators is required to com-
VIDA Signed Into Law goods. As a result, Chinese importers plete this termination. Any small vessel have turned to other sources of soy- In December, President Trump signed or commercial ? shing vessel covered beans, and American farmers are stor- into law the Vessel Incidental Dis- under the sVGP that will discharge ing more of their harvest. Eric Woodie, charge Act (VIDA): Title IX of the ballast water into waters of the U.S.
Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Reau- must obtain permit coverage under the
Trade Analyst said, “We see a major thorization Act of 2018. VIDA estab- VGP for those ballast water discharges.
opportunity in containerized shipping lishes a new framework for the regu-
WFS Expands U.S. of soybeans, which will open the door lation of vessel incidental discharges,
Bunker Operations for American farmers to access new adding a new Clean Water Act (CWA)
Asia-Paci? c and European markets.” Section 312(p): Uniform National World Fuel Services (WFS) an-
According to ISA, containerized ship- Standards for Discharges Incidental nounced a new US based physical ping offers several bene? ts for the U.S. to Normal Operation of Vessels. The bunker supply operation. Starting soybean industry, including better U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- mid-January, WFS will be operational meeting the needs of customers who cy (EPA) and the U.S. Coast Guard in the Columbia River, servicing the want to purchase smaller quantities, (USCG) are still assessing the impli- ports of Portland, Vancouver (WA), purchase soybeans with precise prod- cations of this new law. Of note, the Kalama, Longview, Rainier, and As- uct attributes or seek fast turnaround Vessel General Permit (VGP) will not toria. Partnering with Harley Marine of their orders to increase time-to-mar- be reissued but the existing 2013 VGP Companies: Paci? c Terminal Services ket and/or maintain quality. requirements remain in force and ef- and Olympic Tug and Barge, WFS fect beyond the current expiration date will offer RMG 380 and MGO 0.1% of that permit until such time that new Sulphur by dual product barge at this
Stantec Awarded Planning, regulations are ? nalized and enforce- key location in the Paci? c Northwest
Design contract at able. Speci? cally, the provisions of the Coast. The Columbia River is the na-
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Stantec has been awarded more than 2013 VGP, as currently written, apply tion’s number one wheat export gate- $35 million in assignments for plan- until EPA publishes National Stan- way, as well as a premier auto gateway. ning and preliminary design of a dards of Performance (NSPs) and the
January 2019
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