Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (February 2019)

Dredging & Marine Construction

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Wakefeld O’Loughlin Dixon Greene Miller Thomas Carpenter of Idaho in 2007 with a Bachelors of

Ingram Barge Company names DSC Dredge’s David Miller

Science. Thomas is a Certifed Associ-

O’Loughlin President & COO Announced Retirement

Ingram Barge Company announced In October, after 38 years in the ate in Project Management from the that David O’Loughlin has been dredging industry, David Miller, Project Management Institute (PMI). named the company’s new Presi- SVP/COO and part owner of DSC

Decatur Marine Announces dent and Chief Operating Offcer. Dredge, LLC announced his retire-

Expansion Staff Promotions

Most recently, O’Loughlin was In- ment. Miller’s career began in the

Decatur Marine Audit & Survey an- gram’s Senior Vice President for Ves- early 1980’s when he began work- sel Operations & Customer Service. ing for Kenner Marine & Machinery nounced the promotion of Kevin

Wakefeld and a new offce location

O’Loughlin holds a Bachelor’s De- (KMM). Following several consecu- in New Orleans. Wakefeld, who be- gree from the University of Alabama tive KMM positions, David complet- gan his career for Decatur Marine in and his MBA from Belmont Univer- ed his fnal 10 years there as a feld ser- sity in Nashville. He succeeds Kaj vice specialist. Miller was one of the TSMS Operations, has been promot-

Shah who will retire after almost 30 original founders of Best Equipment ed to Operations Manager. To better years at Ingram. Technologies, Inc. (BEST). Partnered support clients and expanding op- with the Wetta family, Miller helped erations in District 8, Wakefeld has relocated to New Orleans to lead the

Dixon Takes Over as TOTE found companies that provided es- frm’s expanded District 8 operations.

Services President sential services to the dredging indus-

Captain Jeff Dixon has assumed the try. In 2010, these companies were

Carpenter Named Executive role of President of TOTE Services consolidated into DSC Dredge, LLC

Director of Captain Phillips– following the retirement of Rear Ad- (DSC) and the group forged ahead,

Lane Kirkland Trust miral Phil Greene. Dixon joined enhancing its reputation as a world

Rear Adm. Wendi B. Carpenter has

TOTE Services in May 2017 and has leader in the manufacturing of por- been named the Executive Director of served as the Vice President of Marine table cutter suction dredges.

the Captain Phillips and Lane Kirk-

Operations – Government and Com- land Maritime Trust. She has served mercial since starting with the compa-

Cook Inlet Tug & Barge as a Board Member of the Trust since ny. Prior to that, Dixon was a captain

Announces Interim Manager in the U.S. Coast Guard and spent Cook Inlet Tug & Barge (CITB), a shortly after its inception. Carpen- ter was the frst woman aviator to 27-years on active duty. Most recently subsidiary of Foss Maritime Compa- be promoted to the fag rank in the he served in command of Sector Jack- ny, announced that Foss project man- sonville where he exercised Captain of ager Amber Thomas has been selected U.S. Navy. During her distinguished 34-year career, she served in leader- the Port authority. A graduate of the as interim Business Operations Man-

Coast Guard Academy in New Lon- ager for Anchorage. Thomas will serve ship roles that included deputy com- mander of the USN Second Fleet and don, CT, Dixon holds a Bachelor of as the central point person for admin-

Science degree in Management and istrative and commercial operations, commander of the Navy’s Warfare

Development Command (NWDC).

Economics and later earned his Mas- leading shoreside activities in Anchor- ter’s in Public Administration from age and Seward. Thomas, a native of After her retirement from the Navy the George Washington University.

Alaska, graduated from the University in August 2011, she served as presi-

February 2019

MN 52

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.