Page 49: of Marine News Magazine (March 2019)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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HYBRID PROPULSION issue in social media everyday. the neutrality prediction to fve “The applications and
Look how automotive EV years along populated coasts markets may be small, developed. When was the last simply with social pressure. time you purchased an internal Not convinced? Watch as but they share common combustion automobile with a the major engine manufac- threads. Voyage lengths concern on how many miles turers, shipbuilders, marine it traveled before it stopped? engineers and naval architects are limited, the public
Sure, you watched the gas tilted their heads at the 2018 surrounds the services gauge needle approach “E” Workboat Show when the En- and turned to the gas station. hydra, a 600 person Red & and speeds are typically
Was it ever a concern on what White feet Hybrid tour boat restricted. Growth outside was the size of the gas tank to and latest development of BAE of these markets will determine your purchase or HybriGen won collective acco- model? Hybrid and EV an- lades, surrounded by the smell depend on the expansion nounces the limit of their of diesel oil and a selection of of the energy storage energy storage, the frst auto- historical ATB Tug Barge en- mobiles traveling 150 to 250 tries and LNG transportation systems. Despite these miles on a single charge. The projects. This was a 128’ x 30’ restrictions, the growth in latest marketing efforts lead mono hull developed by Teck- with new 500-mile capability. nicraft Design with a BAE/ the number of services has
Marine EV and Hybrid Corvus/Cummins 160 kWh not been limited.” looked to enter coastal appli- generator, control system and cations for the same reason of AC traction motor drive sys- limited energy storage. That storage capability continues tem built at All American Marine in Bellingham, WA. to become more and more effcient and now dictates our The applications and markets may be small, but they ability to design into longer voyage routes and faster speeds share common threads. Voyage lengths are limited, the on that same single charge. A marine Hybrid decision is public surrounds the services and speeds are typically re- also coupled to the social aspects supporting the technol- stricted. Growth outside of these markets will depend on ogy. Cleaner alternative propulsion developed along popu- the expansion of the energy storage systems. Despite these lated coasts in tour boat, research and ferry applications. restrictions, the growth in the number of services has not
The public wants this in their back yard. been limited. And that is an important factor to analyze.
Add now the infuence of the millennial generation and Ferry system growth is not historically limited to vessel social media. The average American Facebook user has type or size but to infrastructure. More then several East 70% of their friends living within 200 miles of a home Coast projects never made it to fruition simply because location and roughly 4% abroad. With the world strug- of lack of available parking, land access and NIMBY is- gling with trade tariffs, protectionism, “slowbilization” and sues. Those problems have waned somewhat due to what the downturn of global trade, regional transportation and is now defned as “shared mobility.” The millennial genera- this generation’s surge to be sustainable has allowed energy tion supporting Uber and Lyft car services for their “door storage and battery technology to develop slowly in these to door” transportation needs as they look support water- regional markets. That slow steady growth leads to positive borne public transportation. The neighborhood and com- technology trends. munity impact is reduced, as personal automobiles do not enter the traffc patterns and parking fow. Look to compa-
LikELy MarkEts nies like Brooklyn-based Switch who are introducing full
Some believe that carbon neutrality must be achieved by door to door NYC & Brooklyn EV based transportation 2030. Others look towards a more conservative approach from scooter to marine ferry. and predict 2050. Whether the period is ten or twenty years from now, the answer will be our ability to adapt to new HappEning now technology and embrace the speed at which that technical That generational movement also supports small local information travels. That’s a speed that will most likely trim business with a social conscience and sustainability. The re- 49 www.marinelink.com MN