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Propulsion Technology
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Credit: AdobeStock_Ian Dyball for the companies that develop the nation’s valuable offshore tail about the development timeline of an offshore wind proj- energy resources in an environmentally responsible manner. ect, detailing the usual timing and needs of these projects.
Similarly, the Offshore Marine Service Association Following this panel will be a panel of vessel operators who (OMSA) is charged with proactively fostering, and pro- will discuss the challenges they have faced as they broadened moting ideas that advance the common good and the in- their scope of work to include offshore wind operations. terests of the U.S. offshore service vessel market and associ- Finally, the event – as any good event in New Orleans ated maritime industries. should – will conclude with a cocktail reception where
Considering these complementary missions, it simply participants will be able to further their knowledge about makes sense for NOIA and OMSA to come together to these industries and further explore the topics discussed assist our members and our broader industry in under- during the presentations. standing the emerging U.S. offshore wind market and the The NOIA-OMSA Offshore Wind Summit will be possibilities held within this market. open to all who want to attend; those wishing to attend
That is exactly what we are doing. On September 19, should check www.NOIA.org or www.offshoremarine.org our organizations will host the NOIA-OMSA Offshore in the coming weeks for registration information.
Wind Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana. This half-day In 1941, Mr. Brace was correct in his assessment that event will feature three panels of industry experts. markets are hard to predict. That still rings true today.
In the ? rst panel, Dr. Stephanie McClellan, the Co-Direc- That is why it makes sense that NOIA and OMSA, organi- tor of the SIOW will provide details on how the U.S. offshore zations with long histories of helping advance the offshore wind market will be structured. Dr. McClellan wrote the energy industry, are helping their members apply their ex- above-referenced report which found that $70 billion in capi- pertise to the emerging U.S. offshore wind market. tal expenditures will be seen in this market between now and 2030 and she will use her presentation at the Offshore Wind
Timothy Charters is Vice President of Government and Politi-
Summit to discuss this report in greater detail; summarizing cal Affairs at National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA). the supply chain required for offshore wind development.
Aaron Smith is President and CEO of the Offshore Marine
Subsequently, the Summit will host a panel of offshore
Service Association (OMSA).
wind developers. These entities will provide even greater de- 47 www.marinelink.com MN
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