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Propulsion Technology
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with a 3D replay of their work while in the virtual envi- Properly implemented XR experiences can also provide ronment. These tools help trainees eliminate ? aws in their immediate bene? ts in recruitment and evaluation, provid- application technique. Integrated ROI tracking provides ing objective measurable insights into a new hire’s prac- material costs that help quantify practical savings such as tical job skills. With easy set-up and portability, XR ap-
VOC emissions, cost of parts, cost of paint, training time. plications make training simulations valuable attractions at career fairs and expositions. Potential recruits enjoy a
An Objective Look at XR preview of their future job set while the employer demon-
Does it work? Can XR train a better worker? It turns strates commitments to employee safety, career pathways, out that the answer to both questions is “yes.” In 2013, the and innovative practices.
University of Iowa published a study comparing a blended training approach (50% VR and 50% traditional) with tra- Proven Value ditional training methods. As predicted, simulation-based In the maritime industry, XR training demonstrates activities consumed fewer materials and completed more the ability to recover implementation costs while bring- practice welds. What the study proved was that the blend- ing long term value to their programs. VR systems like ed approach’s trainees met and exceeded the skill compe- SimSpray and VRTEX provide tools to create custom and tency levels of their traditionally trained counterparts. adaptable training exercises while improving the feedback
Trainees using the mix of VR and traditional training had and analysis from those activities. Instructors and trainees 40% higher certi? cation rates on the basic welds and better gain valuable and actionable insights that are impractical performances on the more dif? cult welds. The study also or unavailable using traditional training scenarios. As more proved an unexpected bene? t, increased rates of collabora- shipyards and repair facilities need better-trained workers tive learning and open communication amongst the train- while trying to reduce costs, XR training simulations be- ees. This is a remarkable expansion of trainee skills growth. come required critical tools for training.
More collaborative and communicative trainees lead to more team-oriented members, strengthening the work-
Matthew Wallace is the CEO and President of VRSim, Inc., force. SimSpray applies the same training methodology as an established VR training system developer. VRSim is respon-
VRTEX and offers similar bene? ts. A top ten auto manu- sible for creation of SimSpray, and works in partnership with facturer reports SimSpray’s ability to provide up to ? fteen
Lincoln Electric to develop the VRTEX product line. VRSim times more training in the same time interval.
has developed custom and commercial VR, simulation, and
Do XR solutions justify their use in today’s training pro- software solutions for industry since 2001. Matthew leads the grams? Quantitative and anecdotal evidence demonstrate company through the perils and successes of VR technology and that VR training tools are capable of reducing material is renowned for his expertise on practical applications of VR.
costs while providing more ef? cient use of training time. 49 www.marinelink.com MN
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