Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (October 2019)
Autonomous Workboats
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USMMA Advisory Board
Chao MarcusFitzgeraldCedeno Frostad Pickel Toomy King supervision of the business and affairs
U.S. DOT Secretary Names AIWA Prepares for 20th of the company. He will be responsible
USMMA Advisory Board Anniversary Annual Meeting
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Brad Pickel, Executive Director of for advancing EBDG’s major strategic
Chao announced the appointment of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway objectives while leading the team on seven new members to the United States Association (AIWA) announced the planning, business management, en-
Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) opening of online registration for gineering, personnel development and
Advisory Board. The USMMA Advisory the AIWA’s 20th Anniversary Annual sales. Since joining the company in
Board serves as an independent body that Meeting in Savannah, GA on Novem- 1988, Brian has worked with EBDG’s examines the course of instruction and ber 21-22, 2019. The meeting will be clients, serving as Principal, Project management of the Academy and other at The DeSoto Hotel and will include Manager, Chief Engineer and Project similar functions. Advisory Board mem- a celebration of 20 years as the Uni- Engineer. King is a licensed Profes- bers must be distinguished in education, ? ed Voice for the Atlantic Intracoastal sional Engineer (PE) and received his industry and other ? elds related to the Waterway (AIWW). The conference BS in Marine Engineering from the
Academy’s mission. The seven USMMA website can be found at https://atlan- US Merchant Marine Academy. He
Advisory Board members must include ticintracoastal.org/annual-meeting is a licensed Chief Engineer with the a recent USMMA graduate. The new United States Coast Guard.
Toomy appointed to Board members include Dr. Henry Marcus, of Commissioners of Port of Paci? c Green Announces
Chair (Professor Emeritus, MIT, Dr.
New Orleans Carmichael’s Retirement,
Martha Grabowski, KP ’79 (Profes-
Names New CEO sor, RPI and Le Moyne College), John Gov. John Bel Edwards has reappoint-
Noonan, KP ’78 (President and CEO, ed Joseph F. Toomy to the Board of Paci? c Green Technologies has ap-
Binnacle Maritime LLC), Brian Starer, Commissioners of the Port of New pointed Scott Poulter, its current
Orleans. Toomy will serve a ? ve-year Executive Director, as its new Chief
Esq. KP ’67 (Senior Partner, Squire, Pat- ton Boggs), Benjamin Inouye KP ’10 term succeeding Laney J. Chouest as Executive. Dr. Neil Carmichael has (Manager, MAN Diesel and Turbo), one of two Jefferson Parish representa- retired from the Chief Executive posi-
Allison Cedeno, KP ’08 (Founder and tives on the regional board. He previ- tion and will be taking on the role of
CEO, Women Offshore LLC) and Ray- ously served on the Board of Commis- non-executive Director where he will mond Fitzgerald (President and CEO, sioners from 2009 to 2014 and served assist in mentoring the group’s man-
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Solutions). as chairman in 2013. Toomy repre- agement. Paci? c Green Technologies sented Dist. 85 in the Louisiana State is an exhaust gas scrubber manufac-
Legislature from 1984 until 2008 and turer. The ? rm’s order book exceeds
Navico Appoints Frostad
President and CEO earned his Bachelor’s degree in eco- $200m for marine scrubbing systems
Navico, parent company to the Low- nomics and a Master of Business Ad- and recently announced a major order rance, Simrad, B&G and C-MAP ministration from Tulane University. of 103 systems. brands announced that it has appoint-
EBDG Appoints DNV GL Launches ed Knut Frostad as President and Chief
King as President Renewables Certi? cation Ops
Executive Of? cer – assuming the role
Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) has DNV GL has established a Renew- of outgoing chief executive, Leif Ottos- appointed Brian King as President, ables Certi? cation of? ce in the United son. Knut Frostad’s day-to-day leader-
Chief Engineer. Brian will have direct States to meet the growing demands ship of Navico will begin immediately.
October 2019
MN 52