Page 57: of Marine News Magazine (October 2019)
Autonomous Workboats
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Survitec Liferaft in
Successful Fishing
Boat Evacuation
Two ? shermen whose boat caught ? re off the coast of UK, successfully evacuated into a Survitec liferaft and were taken ashore by local Coast- guard. The pair activated the Sur- Morbern Marine Gains
IMO MED Approvals vitec Seasava liferaft and abandoned
Morbern’s newest marine vinyls, Surf the vessel when it caught ? re. The and Bayside, have received the In- vessel was equipped with a SOLAS- ternational Maritime Organization approved Seasava Pro-ISO liferaft,
Marine Equipment Directive Wheel- developed for smaller vessels with mark (IMO MED Wheelmark) cer- limited deck space and is required ti? cation. The IMO MED Wheel- to be serviced at three-year intervals. mark is a quality management system www.survitecgroup.com which sets performance and testing standards for marine equipment placed on vessels in international wa- ters. The certi? cation remains valid for ? ve years. Surf and Bayside are designed to handle all challenges that exposure to sun and water bring. www.Morbern.com
Mastry’s Maspower Portable
High Pressure Pump
Mastry Engine Center’s YAN-
MAR engine-driven Maspower
MPW2.5PE Portable High Pressure pump for dockyard repair work and marine construction applications is a compact engine-driven set de- HydroComp PropCad
GFCI Receptacle 2019 Released livering high volume and pressure
Protects Against Shock HydroComp PropCad 2019 in- in marine construction and dock
Hubbell Marine’s UL-Listed GFCI cludes several new exciting additions repair applications. Ideal for dock-
Duplex Receptacle is designed to to make PropCad more effective yard repair work, cleaning barges protect against line-to-ground elec- and easier to use. Whether extract- and equipment, and jetting-in pil- trical shock hazards. The GFCI ing data from full 3D CAD ? les or ings on marine construction jobs,
Duplex Receptacle complies with inputting custom distribution data, the new pump set is the latest addi- 2015 UL 943, automatically moni- these features greatly improve work- tion to the Maspower Pump range. toring circuit functionality every ? ow process for propeller design- www.mastry.com three hours. The receptacle’s status ers, manufacturing engineers, and is relayed by an illuminated indica- marine researchers. To support the tor (green while operating, solid red continuing trend of larger screens when tripped and ? ashing red at the and multiple monitors, PropCad device’s end of life). It meets National now supports a dockable and fully
Electric Code and ABYC standards. sizable display window. www.hubbell-marine.com www.hydrocompinc.com 57 www.marinelink.com MN