Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (November 2019)
Workboat Annual
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BOATBUILDING 30% improvement in fuel economy, ceptional performance and helm con- turn completely around 180-degrees which improves the bottom line of trol in the most challenging marine in just four boat lengths at high speeds.
your business. environments. The wave-piercing bow Along the way, Baltic Workboats de-
Mahler told MarineNews that the is deep and slender for high speeds and veloped a unique wheelhouse that has
Baltic Workboats wave-piercing series fuel ef? ciency. The maneuverability of created a safe working environment hull design has been thoroughly tested the WP-Series is among the best avail- both in the cabin and for the crew in rough sea conditions to deliver ex- able in a workboat hull being able to on the deck. The wheelhouse offers nearly 360-degree visibility and was developed in collaboration with lead- ing nautical experts from Estonia, Bel- gium, Sweden, Germany and the Unit- ed Kingdom. The captain has a center position with uninterrupted views of the deck and boarding areas with addi- tional skylight windows. Moreover, all
Baltic Workboats wheelhouse designs are securely mounted to withstand hard impacts or collision ensuring the safety of the captain and crew.
Beyond the advanced wave-pierc- ing and self-righting capabilities of a
Baltic Workboats US vessel, its inno- vative design keeps the deck and cabin virtually vibration and noise-free. By resiliently mounting the wheelhouse, the design delivers smooth, whisper quiet operation as low as 63 decibels (less than a car on the highway) and is available for sea trials in Florida.
Domestic Boatbuilding:
Transition by ‘Design’
Asked if the Estonian computer de- sign speci? cations would translate to his shop, Lyman said, “That’s the beauty of the yacht industry, especially when you go into these upper end commercial boats. We are fully vested in the same computer programs, so the transition is going to be relatively seamless. And the other side is that they have 30 plus engineers and designers on staff. So, with their team and our team, we have a pretty good design of? ce as well.”
This isn’t Lyman-Morse’s ? rst ro- deo. Over the past 40 years, Lyman-
Morse Boatbuilding Co. has built more than 110 yachts, each of them unique in its own way. Lyman-Morse
November 2019
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