Page 19: of Marine News Magazine (January 2020)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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with minimum requirements poses a safety is a part of company culture and major threat to public safety. We ap- we want our teams to be well supported preciate that the Coast Guard has in all areas of professional development. stepped-up its enforcement efforts and In January 2019, PVA launched the we urge them to keep the pressure on Emerging Leaders Committee with the by issuing ? nes and prosecuting illegal mission to support the growing com- charter operators. munity of individuals transitioning into
Our efforts to promote safety also leadership roles in their companies. This hinge on our strong relationship with group encourages professional growth the Coast Guard. Coast Guard in- through seminars, resources and online spectors regularly visit and inspect forums. This year’s PVA Annual Con- our vessels and having their direct in- vention at MariTends 2020 in Tampa, volvement is essential to successfully Fla., February 3-6, will feature a host of promoting safety. An engaged, well- sessions speci? cally tailored to the needs trained, and adequately funded Coast of our emerging leaders.
Guard Marine Safety Mission is vital. I am encouraged by this highly en-
Recently, PVA’s Vice President, gaged group of individuals; they are
Colleen Stephens, of Stan Stephens already guiding PVA’s future by high-
Glacier & Wildlife Cruises in Valdez, lighting emergent issues of impor-
Alaska, testi? ed before Congress on tance to the passenger vessel industry. behalf of PVA. In her statement, she The emerging leaders that we foster urged Congress to fully fund the Coast today will be the PVA presidents of
Guard’s Marine Safety Mission and tomorrow, and I am excited for the ensure that this function is well-main- bright future ahead for our industry. tained. Additionally, Stephens urged
Congress to evaluate the implementa-
Bob Lawler is currently General Manger tion of the Coast Guard’s action plan for Boston Duck Tours in Boston. Boston
Duck Tours operates 28 amphibious ve- entitled Enhancing the Coast Guard’s hicles carrying more than 600,000 pas-
Marine Safety Program, which was senger each year. Lawler began his career issued in 2007 to address Congress’ in the maritime industry in 1990 as a concerns surrounding the Agency’s de- deckhand with Bay State Cruise Com- teriorating safety inspection functions. pany in Boston. After graduating from
Marquette University in Milwaukee,
PVA also advocated that inspections of
Wisc. in 1993, he obtained his 100-ton passenger vessels remain entirely with-
Master’s license and worked as a full in the Coast Guard and not handed time Captain for Entertainment Cruises off to third parties, as has been done over the next 11 years in Boston, Chi- for other segments of the maritime in- cago and Seattle before returning home to Boston where he worked as General dustry. We believe that Coast Guard
Manager and VP of Marine Operations safety personnel have a greater level for a ? eet or 38 vessels in 6 ports until of expertise and intimate knowledge 2017. The company’s brands include of our vessels and the routes on which
Spirit Cruises, Odyssey, Bateaux New we operate than do third-party orga-
York, Elite Private Yachts, Mystic Blue
Cruises, Seadog and Potomac Riverboat nizations. Keeping direct Coast Guard
Company. Lawler has served as 2018 inspection of our vessels and providing
PVA Vice President, 2017 PVA Secre- them with the resources they need is tary-Treasurer, as a member of the PVA the best way to promote safety.
Board of Directors and was Chairman
My other goal for the year, of building- of PVA Safety and Security Committee from 2014 to 2016.
up our next generation of leaders, goes hand-in-hand with safety. Prioritizing www.marinelink.com