Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (January 2020)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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Kennedy Falkner Green Fenimore & Mayes ogy software development, force mea-
Graham, Chapman Crowley Awards surement systems and Starrett Special
Join NTSB Board Scholarships
Gage Department.
The National Transportation Safety Crowley Maritime Corp. presented
Board is set to welcome aboard Mi- 2019 Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memo-
JAXPORT CEO chael Graham and Thomas Chapman rial Scholarships to two U.S. Mer- as its newest board members, bring- chant Marine Academy (USMMA)
Contract Extended
During the December meeting of the ing the board to its full complement students at the Containerization and
JAXPORT Board of Directors, the of ? ve members for the ? rst time Intermodal Institute’s Connie Awards
Board unanimously voted to extend since February 15, 2019. President luncheon in December. The scholar-
CEO Eric Green’s contract through Donald J. Trump nominated Graham ships were awarded to cadets William ? scal year 2024. The new ? ve-year and Chapman and the Senate voted Quigley, from Trumbull, Conn., and contract is effective Oct. 1, 2019. to con? rm them. Graham’s term as a William Scott, from Neptune Beach,
Green has been with JAXPORT since board member is through 2025, and Fla. Both are midshipman ? rst class 2005 and was named CEO in 2017. Chapman’s term runs through the studying maritime logistics and secu- end of 2023. rity. Two other cadets – Midshipmen
Carrson Pearce and Kevin Holmes –
Falkner Named GM, were also awarded scholarships but
CII Honors
Lowe Boats were serving at sea and unable to at-
Fenimore, Mayes
Lowe Boats named Greg Falkner as tend the industry luncheon.
general manager effective immedi- The Containerization & Intermodal ately. Falkner joins Brunswick from Institute (CII) presented the 2019
Blount Boats Joins
Harley-Davidson where he worked Connie Award yesterday to Bruce A.
Green Marine in a variety of leadership positions Fenimore, Chief Executive Of? cer since 2001. of Columbia Group, at its annual Blount Boats, Inc. becomes the eighth industry-wide luncheon. Sara Mayes, shipyard company to join Green Ma-
President and CEO of Gemini Ship- rine, a voluntary environmental pro-
Kennedy Elected pers Group, was the recipient of the gram for North America’s maritime
AIWA Chairman
BoatUS Manager of Government Lifetime Achievement Award. Feni- industry. The Green Marine environ- more is behind the growth and ex- mental certi? cation program addresses
Affairs David Kennedy was elected pansion of Columbia Group, which key environmental issues through 12 chairman of the Atlantic Intracoastal has earned a reputation as a leader performance indicators that include
Waterway Association (AIWA) at the in inland and feeder transport and greenhouse gases, air emissions, spill group’s recent annual meeting. equipment, primarily as it relates to prevention, waste management, envi- expanding its US-? ag barge ? eet. ronmental leadership, and community
Sara Mayes is an industry veteran impacts – some applicable to shipping with 50+ years in the business. activities, others to landside operations.
January 2020
MN 56