Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (January 2020)
Passenger Vessels & Ferries
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MegaPress CuNi
Viega‘s MegaPress CuNi, a copper nickel press ? tting system, designed to replace welding for applications on commercial ships, private yachts and offshore rigs, is now available in sizes of 2½” to 4”. Using a single seal-
Thursters Condition Monitoring ing element and single tool to install,
ZF introduced an intelligent Con-
MegaPress CuNi can make both wet dition Monitoring System for and dry connections in seconds for a thrusters, equipped with various variety of applications including sea- sensors and an intelligent electronic water cooling, ? re mains, sprinkler evaluation unit to measure vibra- systems, bilge lines, foam systems, tions which indicate the condition ballast systems, compressed air, vacu- of the bearings and gears in the um lines, hydraulic oils and others. It thruster’s upper and lower gearbox. can be installed in previously welded
These results help operators iden- systems and is compatible with off- tify early on which components the-shelf pipe, and the entire line is need to be replaced or maintained, fully approved (ABS/USCG).
meaning repairs can be planned in advance and potential damage to components can be avoided. It also extends the service life of the moni- tored systems and components.
Shell LubeAnalyst TracVision UHD7 John Deere:
Aiming to digitalize its service of- KVH Industries introduced the New Engine Rating ferings to customers, Shell Marine TracVision UHD7, a high-perfor- As needs within the maritime mar- launched a new IT platform for mance 60 cm marine satellite TV ket evolve, John Deere Power Sys- its used oil analysis program Shell antenna designed to provide vessel tems has expanded its portfolio
LubeAnalyst. The platform, also crews with access to ultra high-def- with the launch of a new PowerTech available in a mobile app version, inition (UHD) and 4K program- 6090SFM85 rating for hybrid ves- replaces Shell Rapid Lubricant ming from DIRECTV as well as sels with diesel power. The variable
Analysis service and offers a simpler regular HD programming from speed rating will be 325 hp at 2,000 sample management process, which other leading satellite TV providers. rpm, will meet U.S. Environmental includes online sample registration Designed for ease of installation and Protection Agency Marine Tier 3 and label printing that remove the use, TracVision UHD7 features two- and International Maritime Orga- need to complete sample labels man- cable installation, fast satellite acqui- nization Tier 2 emissions standards, ually. The intuitive customer portal sition speeds, and system control via and will be certi? ed to E3 propul- features personalized dashboards, the TracVision TV-Hub web inter- sion test cycle for commercial ap- interactive charts and an easy-to-use face or convenient TracVision app. plications used with variable pitch oil analysis reporting format which For reliability in marine conditions, or electronically coupled propellers. allows vessel managers to oversee the antenna features multi-axis track- The rating is suited for hybrid vessels lubricant performance across their ing and a rugged, lightweight design. that require a variable-speed genera- ? eets. Registered owners have access tor drive engine to develop electrical to Shell Marine’s complete library of power for any combination of elec- recommendations covering all the tric propulsion, energy storage, ho- key equipment and lubricant grades. tel load and auxiliary electric loads.
January 2020
MN 58