Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (April 2020)
Autonomous Workboats
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Wireless Helm System
The USCG and ABS have approved
Sea Machines’ SM200 commercial wireless helm for installation aboard a class of U.S.-?ag tugboats that sup-
Generator with FP Control port articulated tug-barge (ATB) sets
Fischer Panda UK recently launched – an industry ?rst in wireless vessel the FP Control, offering enhanced control. An advantage of using the data monitoring capabilities across
SM200 aboard an ATB is for con- its generator range. The FP Con- necting the tug in the barge notch.
Tank Ullage Gauge trol, which allows various set-ups
The tank gauge manufacturer SEM- This system empowers the pilot to as well as the connection to a CAN
CO has developed a product called be in full control of the tugboat and
BUS system, monitors the generator
Honesty, an easy-to-use electronic connecting pins with a direct lo- and provides up-to-date operational smart sounding scale designed to take cal view of the task, as compared to information via a digital display. As a tank’s ullage measurement. The conventional methods that often rely supplied with the newly-launched portable device has a sensor at the end on signals relayed from another crew variable speed hybrid DC VS Series of a measurement tape that is low- member to the wheelhouse.
generators, the control system dis- ered into a tank and triggers a lamp plays data on the generator, as well and alarm once the liquid surface is as the connected drive system and reached. A measurement is made batteries, to update information on from the liquid’s surface upward. overall power being drawn, power
Honesty can also measure other liq- supplied for battery charging and the uids such as ballast water and bilge.
electric drive system.
Hull Repair Kit
The ?rst Miko Plaster Polar Kits have been supplied to ship operators pro- viding passenger cruises in polar wa- ters. Using magnetic patches and a special application technique, the kits Standard Duty Lifting Beam have been developed to enable ships, Harrington Hoists, Inc. launched for the ?rst time, to effectively repair its HSDLB Standard Duty Lifting
HullSkater hull damage caused by polar ice while Beam designed for low headroom
Jotun and Kongsberg Maritime still at sea and without a diver. Such applications. Model HSDLB is avail- have jointly developed a robotic hull damage is a recognized risk, even for able from 0.5- though 40-ton capaci- cleaning device called the HullSkater, ice-class vessels, and is likely to in- ties with outside spreads from 3 to 30 designed to be carried with the ves- crease as climate change releases more feet. Additional sizes and capacities sel and deployed regularly to remove free-?oating ice into open water. are also available. To minimize wear, early-stage fouling. The cleaning ma- the HSDLB features a precision ma- chine has been developed for proac- chined bail for a good connection be- tive bio-fouling control on ships and tween the saddle of the hook and the offers the potential to reduce fuel upper radius of the bail. Three stan- costs by around $3.6 million and dard lift points for load adjustment
CO2 emissions by 12.5% annually, are included and it is supplied with a on a typical vessel, Jotun said. HullS- pair of heavy-duty swivel hooks. Ad- kater can inspect a 10,000m2 hull in ditional lift points and hardware are approximately two hours. available as options.
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