Page 48: of Marine News Magazine (April 2020)
Autonomous Workboats
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Page Company Website Phone# 25 Ahead Sanitation www.aheadsanitationsystems.com (337) 330-4407 17 Bay Shipbuilding/Fincantieri www.?ncantieribayshipbuilding.com (715) 587-6960 39 Boschert Precision Machinery, Inc. www.boschertusa.com (800) 354-3737 33 Creative Systems www.ghsport.com (360) 385-6212 7 David Clark Company www.davidclark.com (508) 751-5888 31 Environmental Marine, Inc. www.envmar.com (606) 271-2711 23 GP Link www.gplink.com (252) 504-5113 3 Inland Marine Expo www.inlandmarineexpo.com Please visit our website 42 In-Mar Solutions www.inmarsolutions.com (225) 644-7063 5 J.A. Moody Inc. www.jamoody.com (610) 647-3810 18,19 Marine Systems, Inc www.marinesystemsinc.com (985) 223-7100 41 McDonough Marine Services www.mcdonoughmarine.com (504) 780-8100
C2 Metal Shark Boats www.metalsharkboats.com (337) 364-0777 35 Metals USA www.metalsusa.com (800) 523-3340
C4 R.W. Fernstrum & Company www.fernstrum.com (906) 863-5553 29 Ribcraft USA LLC. www.ribcraftusa.com (781) 639-9065 1 Sea Machines www.sea-machines.com/virtualdemo Visit us online
C3 SMM 2020 www.smm-hamburg.com/trailer Please visit our website 25 Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors www.marinesurvey.org (800) 344-9077
The listings above are an editorial service provided for the convenience of our readers.
If you are an advertiser and would like to update or modify any of the above information, please contact: [email protected]
April 2020 48