Page 20: of Marine News Magazine (May 2020)
Inland Waterways
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Economic Recovery Should
Include Infrastructure Investment
By Deb Calhoun, Interim President/CEO, Waterways Council, Inc.
As the nation continues to be impacted what Phase Three offered, with around a quarter trillion dol- by COVID-19, there are silver linings to lars in additional relief for small businesses.
the crisis: family time and togetherness, If infrastructure is to become part of a future emergency gratitude for what we had before it was supplemental funding bill, the inland waterways ?t nearly taken away, and a chance to seek oppor- seamlessly into the reasons behind such an initiative – to tunities to be better and more productive. jump-start the American economy and get American workers
As funding bills related to the CO- back on the job to build bene?cial projects.
VID-19 crisis move forward, there may The majority of inland waterways’ locks and dams were built be an opportunity for the nation to better in the 1930s during The New Deal to create a more reliable,
Calhoun itself by modernizing its infrastructure. ef?cient river transportation network and to stimulate the U.S.
Congress has, to date as of this writing, economy with an in?ux of new construction jobs. Infrastruc- passed three phases of a coronavirus relief package. Phase One, ture remains a bipartisan issue that both sides of the political enacted March 6, provided $8 billion primarily for health- spectrum agree is critical to American progress and success. related needs and international programs. Phase Two, enacted Our nation’s lock and dam system keeps waterways chan-
March 18, provided paid leave, tax credits, expanded unem- nels and rivers navigable, generates hydropower for electricity, ployment and nutrition assistance, and free COVID-19 test- provides ?ood protection, supplies municipal and industrial ing. Phase Three, enacted March 27, provided $2.2 trillion water, offers national security, and creates recreational boat- to support the government’s response to the pandemic and ing and ?shing opportunities. Our inland waterways system to help individuals and businesses impacted by the economic transports commerce to and from 38 states, serving indus- downturn. Phase Four was said to be a potential vehicle for trial and agricultural centers, and facilitating imports and ex- infrastructure funding, with as much as $2 trillion touted by ports at gateway ports on the Gulf Coast and in the Paci?c
President Trump for this purpose, with indications of support Northwest. With the presence of the inland waterways trans- from House Democrats. It now appears that Phase Four will portation system, today’s energy producers, manufacturers, not undertake infrastructure, but instead will provide more of constructors, American family farmers and other commodity
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
May 2020 20 MN