Page 48: of Marine News Magazine (May 2020)
Inland Waterways
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Weeks Marine Orders New Dredger at Eastern
RB Weeks
Credit: Eastern Shipbuilding Group
Dredging contractor Weeks Marine Dredging Contractors of America.
Builder: Eastern Shipbuilding Group has ordered a new trailer suction hop- In addition to RB Weeks and Mag-
Designer: Royal IHC per dredger from Eastern Shipbuilding dalen, Weeks placed into service it new
Dimensions (Overall):
Group, to be delivered in the ?rst quar- cutter suction dredge (CSD) JS Chatry, 356’ x 79’-6”’x 27’-3” ter of 2023. built at C&C Marine and Repair in
Main Engines: (2) GE 16V250
The new dredge, RB Weeks, to be Belle Chase, La., in August 2019.
MDC IMOIII/EPA Tier 4 constructed at Eastern’s Allanton ship- “I spoke this morning with Lt. Gener-
Main Propulsion: yard in Panama City, Fla. will be a sis- al Todd T. Semonite, Chief of Engineers (2) Wartsila CPP in Nozzles ter ship to the Eastern-built twin screw and Commanding General of the U.S.
Main Gears: (2) Siemens (Flender)
TSHD Magdalen placed into service in Army Corps of Engineers informing
Bow Thruster: (1) AC 730kW VFD 2018. The RB Weeks is named after the him of the contract we signed with East- Fixed Pitch Tunnel Unit co-founder of the company and the hus- ern to build the new hopper dredge,”
Main Shaft Generators: band of Magdalen Weeks. said Richard S. Weeks, Chief Executive (2) x 3400kW
The shipbuilding order, signed on Of?cer of Cranford, N.J.-based Weeks
Auxiliary Generator: (1) GE 6L250
April 16, 2020, adds to billions of dollars Marine. “We work hand-in-hand with MDC (1423kW) IMOIII/EPA Tier 4 in capital investments made recently by the Army Corps of Engineers in deliver-
Emergency Generator: the U.S. dredging industry, said industry ing the mission for our country.” (1) Caterpillar C18 (430kW) group Dredging Contractors of America. “U.S. dredging companies are putting IMOII/EPA Tier 3 “This is the third major capital con- people to work and keeping them work-
Lloyd’s Register, struction shipbuilding project in as ing doing America’s dredging – Ameri- 100A1 Hopper Dredger, LMC, UMS many years for Weeks Marine. It re?ects can built – American owned – Ameri-
Flag & Regulatory:
Weeks Marine’s commitment to build- can crewed,” Doyle said.
USA, US Coast Guard ing dredges to serve the needs of the RB Weeks is also the third large scale
Hopper Capacity:
United States of America,” said William hopper dredge over the past ?ve years 8,550 yd³ (6540m3)
Accommodations: 26 Person
P. Doyle, Chief Executive Of?cer of the that Eastern has built and is constructing.
May 2020 48 MN