Page 50: of Marine News Magazine (May 2020)
Inland Waterways
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McAllister Takes Delivery of New Tug Eileen McAllister will soon join sister vessel, Tate McAllis- ter, as the most powerful tug in the Fort
Lauderdale, Fla. seaport.
Captain Chuck Runnion, McAllister
Towing of Port Everglades’ Vice President and General Manager, said, “The Eileen
McAllister was constructed speci?cally to meet the needs of handling the ever- increasing size of vessels calling into Port
Everglades. This tug, along with the Tate
McAllister, will be able to safely handle
Credit: McAllister Towing these ships and even larger ones with ex-
McAllister Towing has taken delivery home port following delivery in April. ceptional control and power.” of a newly built 6,770-horsepower ship- The 93- by 38-foot newbuild is The Eileen McAllister was christened docking tug, Eileen McAllister, slated to powered by 3516E Tier IV Caterpillar at her launch by Eileen Buch, Eileen enter service in Port Everglades, Fla. The engines with twin Schottel SRP 490 Duane Donovan and Eileen Fitzsimons. 34th tractor tug in McAllister’s ?eet, Ei- Z-drive units and Markey winches, The three Eileens are direct descen- leen McAllister was built by Washburn & achieving more than 84 metric tons dur- dants of James McAllister, who founded
Doughty in Maine and set sail for its new ing ABS bollard pull certi?cation. Eileen McAllister Towing in 1864.
Crowley Charters Newbuild Tug from Brusco
Crowley Maritime Corp’s marine ser- vices group has entered into a bareboat charter with Brusco Tug and Barge for an all new RApport-design tractor tug to serve Paci?c Northwest and Califor- nia ports, performing ship assist and harbor escort work.
The vessel, which Crowley renamed
Hercules after delivery, was designed by
Robert Allan Ltd., and constructed by
Credit: Leland Schmidt, courtesy Robert Allan Ltd.
Diversi?ed Marine in Portland, Ore., for Brusco. The 82-foot, 6,000-horse- fornia’s environmental regulations. throughout California.
power tug is powered by twin Caterpil- “This high performing tug exempli?es A high-performance Markey winch lar 3516E (2240kw@1,800rpm) U.S. our continued commitment to providing is a key feature of the deck machinery
EPA Tier IV-compliant engines. The the best technology and performance in package and ensures optimal control of engines drive two Caterpillar MTA627 our ?eet of tugboats on the West Coast. the ship while connected to the tug.
azimuth stern drive (ASD) thrusters Our customers count on our ?eet to be “The technology on the Hercules will with 2.7m Prop, and provide 81 tons of ef?cient and dependable, and Hercules ensure our customers get in and out of bollard pull while still remaining nimble adds another highly reliable asset,” said port ef?ciently to meet the demands of while assisting ships. Johan Sperling, vice president for Crow- their supply chains, whether their ves-
Crowley noted the Tier IV engines ley’s marine service group. sel is a large tanker, a modern container are environmentally friendly and fuel ef- The tug will enter service in Puget ship, or other craft,” said Porter Sesnon, ?cient, while maximizing performance, Sound but is capable of handling op- general manager of Crowley’s ship assist and exceed federal and the State of Cali- erations in Crowley-serviced ports and escort services.
May 2020 50 MN