Page 59: of Marine News Magazine (July 2020)
Propulsion Technology
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All-purpose Lubricant
Mobilgard 540 X
Hydrogen Electric
The L.S. Starrett Company offers
ExxonMobil has introduced Mo-
M1 Industrial Quality All-Purpose bilgard 540 X, the latest addi-
In November 2019,
Lubricant for applications on metal tion to its advanced MobilGard electric mobility solu- equipment such as rollers, racks, con- cylinder oil range. The lubricant tions provider eCap veyors, chains and virtually any metal is speci?cally formulated for use began a partnership with fuel cell components found in highly cor- with both 0.10% and 0.50% sul- technologies company Re-Fire Tech- rosive marine environments. M1 is phur fuels and lique?ed natural nology for the joint development of not soluble in water, so it gets under gas (LNG) and has been available cross-sector fuel cell projects. The moisture to lift it away from the sur- from June 2020. Mobilgard 540 X ?rst milestone of this partnership was face to be protected. Starrett M1 Spe- is designed to meet the advanced reached in May 2020 by achieving cial Formula Lubricant protects met- cleanliness and protection needs
DNV GL Approval in Principle for a al against rust and corrosion damage of newer engine designs and meets concept of maritime Re-Fire fuel cell by providing a molecular shield that
WinGD’s requirements for all application. The Hydrogen Electric locks to the metal. The lubricant can three fuel types. Mobilgard 540
System (H2ES) developed by eCap be used to protect working surfaces
X has passed extensive ?t-for-use combines the Re-Fire fuel cell tech- of machinery, in dip tanks to protect testing on the most recent engine nology with the latest hydrogen and production parts in process, or apply designs and is speci?cally formu- electrical components to form an in- on tools when stored. lated to combat deposit formula- novative and environmentally friend- tion with ‘keep-clean’ performance ly drive solution for shipping. The across low-sulphur fuels. The cyl- now-approved fuel cell solution can inder oil also allows for substantial be installed on deck and encompass- feed rate reduction es cabinets for up to 440 kW power.
Stability Evaluation
Herbert-ABS Software Solutions expanded its HECSTAB Stability
Evaluation Software to include all vessel types and evaluation capa- bilities. Naval architects can easily
Body Heat Camera evaluate multiple design options
JRC/Alphatron Marine introduced for both ship and offshore assets, the AlphaFeverCamera, a Body with a versatile user interface fea-
Heat Camera for maritime and non-
Remote Services App turing modern conventions, im- maritime industries. As COVID-19
Liebherr developed a remote service proved 3D viewports and ?exible continues to pose a threat in daily tool aiming to improve assistance user customization. HECSTAB life and business operations, a safe through visual information that ul- functionality also includes analy- and healthy environment on board timately leads to faster and easier sis templates for deterministic and ashore is a priority. Alphatron troubleshooting. Features integrated and probabilistic damage stability
Marine, in close collaboration with into the newly launched remote ser- evaluations, and a wide range of
Alphatron Security and Alphatron vice tool such as audio and video pre-designed criteria and the tools
Medical, contributes to this need by calls, a chat function, screen shar- to modify/create new ones. Other introducing the Body Temperature ing, image and document exchange, calculation methods allow models
Measurement Camera which is able as well as whiteboarding functions to be developed to analyze trim, to measure object’s temperature at a enable real-time customer support intact stability, damage stability high accuracy in real time, with ac- from Liebherr personnel worldwide. and longitudinal strength.
curacy up to ±0.5°C.
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