Page 16: of Marine News Magazine (October 2020)
Shipbuilding & Repair
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INSIGHTS an increase in our caseload, which resulted in a higher than vessels. These ultimately will replace the existing ? eet of normal absentee rate. Historically, we enjoy a 3-4% absen- four T-AGOS-19 and one T-AGOS-23 small waterplane tee rate; that number increased to 20+% during the early area twin hull ships. summer months. Happily, we have recovered to near our And we are also working on studies for CHAMPS, LAW, normal rate, and our caseload has not continued to climb. LUSV and OPC programs.
We are keeping our yards open and adhering to the vari- As we move into 2021, we are preparing for PSC con- ous measures such as social distancing to keep our employ- struction and erection, but we still have plenty of capacity ees safe. We continue to stay vigilant and remain focused for additional design and construction jobs and are active- in delivering our existing contracts. ly pursuing these equally important programs.
Please give a brief overview of Halter Marine’s cur- How do current business opportunities compare in rent order book. How much capacity exists to take on the commercial vs government sectors, and where is additional projects? Halter Marine focusing its efforts?
It’s an exciting time in our shipyard right now. We are Our current order book is all government as the com- in various phases of construction on the U.S. Navy’s Auxil- mercial market is slow at this time. We’re currently focus- iary Personnel Lighter–Small program. We will deliver the ing on the government market where we see a large num- ? rst two APLs early next year, and the third vessel is due ber of programs being worked on or considered that ? t to be delivered after that. Construction on the fourth APL well into Halter Marine’s capabilities.
should be complete next summer. Currently, we have two
Landing Craft Support vessels under construction, and we
In addition to the several areas you mentioned previ- are completing the ? rst 4,000-cubic-meter lique? ed natu- ously, how is Halter Marine investing today to ensure ral gas (LNG) bunkering tug/barge unit. These are all im- future success?
portant programs. Finally, the Polar Security Cutter pro- I’ve touched on our investment in facilities and tech- gram will provide Halter Marine the needed base of work nology and how we are training people. There is one key that will keep us viable for years to come. element to this equation that deserves full attention: safety.
We are also involved in six different studies with the gov- This spring, Halter Marine received the 2019 Safety ernment. For example, we received the Navy’s $981,000 Award from the American Equity Underwriters. I’m so industrial study contract for the T-AGOS class series of proud that we are one of 25 companies to receive this pres- tigious safety award. It is based on very speci? c, measur- able data, and it’s a tough competition. We have a strong safety culture here at Halter Marine, and I’m proud of the attention to health and safety demonstrated by our team every day. It truly has been an all-hands effort.
October 2020
MN 16