Page 49: of Marine News Magazine (October 2020)
Shipbuilding & Repair
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BioBarrier MarineMBR he BioBarrier MarineMBR series of Type II sewage a control panel expert to centralize all the controls on a sin- treatment plant (STP) from marine sewage and wa- gle touch screen. Each system operates automatically and is
T ter treatment specialist Scienco/FAST is engineered controlled by a three level ? oat switch and timing relays in to help meet the increasingly stringent needs of U.S. Coast the control cabinet: BOD less than 5 mg/L, TSS less than
Guard (USCG) and International Maritime Organization 2 mg/L, Turbidity less than 0.2 NTU and Fecal coliform (IMO) water quality standards and is ideal for water reuse less than 200 CFU/100 mL (without disinfection).
applications, its manufacturer says. BioBarrier membrane bioreactors are engineered to treat
With its decades-long history providing adaptable and all sources of blackwater and greywater in varying strengths proven marine sewage devices, environmentally-friendly and dependent on daily wastewater ? ow. The Scienco/FAST cleaners and other industrial water management technolo- custom MarineMBR steel tank provides access for mainte- gies, Scienco/FAST, a BioMicrobics subsidiary, offers mem- nance and removal of the membranes for deep cleaning or re- brane technology treatment options that remove 99.9% of placement. As well as the maintenance on the ? ltrate pumps pollutants and contaminants found in vessels’ sewage sourc- and easy to access blower(s), while keeping as much of the es, including domestic and high strength wastewater ? ows. equipment below deck and out of sight. All penetrations for
The BioBarrier MarineMBR uses an advanced process air lines, ? ltrate out? ow and electric cables are installed be- that acts as an impenetrable physical barrier for nearly ev- low the main deck. A submersible pump is mounted on the ery common pollutant found in wastewater. Certi? ed by membrane module housing and used as the ? ltrate pump.
the USCG to 33 CFR Part 159 standards and to IMO “We are seeing a lot of interest for vessels that sail in sen- resolution MEPC.227(64), the system is capable of treat- sitive waters and vessels and offshore facilities needing water ing with freshwater or saltwater (input <6.5% salinity) reuse.” Rebori says. “We have several in Alaska and British ? ushing or combination of the two. Columbia waters. Now that we have formally announced “The Marine BioBarrier MBR cleans the black and grey their availability, we are getting more inquiries. Within a water and galley waste water to the highest stands removing year, it will likely be another mainstay product line of ours.” virus for water reuse opportunities such as toilet ? ushing Other certi? cations received for the BioBarrier MBR or washing machinery. Essentially the water is cleaner than technology include the NSF/ANSI (National Sanitation waste water,” says BioMicrobics’ president, Bob Rebori, Foundation International) Standards 40, class 1; 245 for who explained that the system was designed to be a sim- Nitrogen Reduction; 350 for Water Reuse, and EN12566- pler version of other more complicated options on the mar- 3 (European standard for onsite sewage Treatment plants ket. “Everything we do with our marine sanitation devices for up to 50 people) and with future approvals, such as with (MSD) is to make them very simple to install, operate and ASTM’s ships and marine technology committee (F25), is maintain over the life of the vessel or platform. Every sys- developing another proposed standard (WK73063).
tem has a wet functionality test prior to shipping to minimize installation time.”
The company’s systems are also known for their durability and reliabil- ity, and Rebori says about half of Sci- enco/FAST installs are retro? t projects, often replacing other manufacturers’ systems that have failed.
Part of the MarineFAST product line, the BioBarrier MarineMBR was created by a team of Scienco/FAST and
BioMicrobics water/wastewater process
Scienco/FAST and design engineers, who worked with 49 www.marinelink.com MN