Page 42: of Marine News Magazine (December 2020)
Innovative Boats & Products
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VC20 Vessel Control System
Featuring simpli? ed electrical man- agement and signi? cant functional improvements, the next generation
YANMAR VC20 Vessel Control
System integrates with YANMAR’s complete line up of common rail
IntelliSite engine series, transmissions, controls
Kidde Fire Systems launched its new and displays. The VC20 has been
IntelliSite remote monitoring system, developed for single, twin and triple a ? rst-of-its-kind remote monitoring engine installations. The new system solution for gaseous ? re suppression offers dedicated control modes for all systems. The IntelliSite system al-
YANMAR control system functions lows users to monitor the status of a including YANMAR joystick con- portfolio of ? re control units in real trols: JC10A for sterndrive applica- time across multiple locations via tions and JC20A computer, tablet or smartphone. Us- for inboard ap- ing secure cellular connectivity, con- plications featur- trol unit status along with the status ing the unique of all associated detection devices
VETUS extended and supervised suppression systems run Bow Thruster is at the user’s ? ngertips, providing or VETUS BOW information-based decision-making.
PRO Thruster.
Sea Skipper
Australian Pump has developed the Sea
Skipper range of high pressure, seawa- ter compatible ? re pumps, featuring a
MyRA new high pressure 3” pump powered
ChartWorld announced the latest by a Yanmar 10hp electric start diesel
Wave MiniBOSS round of updates to its digital rout- engine. The pump can deliver 150 li-
A new version of the Wave Mini- ing service, My Route Appraisal ters of water per minute at 80 meters
BOSS IMO separator offers faster (MyRA). MyRA provides both ves- head (105 psi), and it can also be used ? ow rate, providing 0.5m³/hr across sels and onshore personnel with as a salvage pump with ? ows of up to all models providing more ? exibil- a proposed ECDIS-ready voyage 450 lpm at 20 meters head. The ma- ity. All models are available for DC plan. The plan is based on a route chine’s compatibility to saltwater is a or AC power. The Series II Wave network, port databases, bathymetry simple solution. Impellers and volutes
MiniBOSS Oily Water Separator from ENCs, weather forecasts and are manufactured from bronze, whilst (OWS) is a neatly designed bulk- the relevant ship model. The MyRA the body of the pump and other key head mounted system. The sophis- version 1.4 release rolled out in Oc- components are marine grade alumi- ticated ? lter technology removes tober 2020 includes the following num, coated with a seawater resistant all trace of pollutants down to the improvements: further simpli? ca- epoxy coating both inside and out.
15 ppm IMO worldwide standard. tion of the install process; advanced
Additionally, the system can be sup- routing algorithm, considering ves- plied to clean bilge water to 5 ppm sel air draft for voyage calculations; if a vessel is operating in a sensitive and New Data Services for weather or Particularly Protected Sea Area routing by NAPA and Environmen- (PPSA) as certi? ed by the IMO. tal Voyage Overview by EMH.
December 2020 42