Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (January 2021)
Passenger Vessels
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Products 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 1. Infectious Disease 3. Moisture Eliminators 5. X10 Titan Incinerators
Delta “T” Systems’ Moisture Elimi- For decades it has been customary to
Mitigation Notation
How can the physical arrangement of a nators are designed to detach mois- use steam, electricity or thermal oil to marine or offshore asset act to mitigate ture particles from the air so engines heat sludge oil prior to its incinera- transmission of infectious diseases? In can deliver optimal performance. tion. ATLAS Incinerators’ new X10
Plus, by lowering humidity, the po- Titan range, has been designed to the midst of the COVID-19 pandem- ic, it’s an urgent question for global tential for corrosion is diminished. incinerate sludge oil and simultane- maritime that ABS has addressed with Moisture Eliminators feature a se- ously burn solid waste while consum- the publication of The ABS Guide ries of vertical vanes mounted inside ing an absolute minimum of energy for Mitigation of Infectious Disease a plenum box. As moist air ? ows onboard ship. While there is a signi? -
Transmission On Board Marine and through it, water particles down to cant improvement in the X10 Titan’s
Offshore Assets and, in an industry ten microns in size, or even smaller, combustion speci? cations, the real ? rst, with the introduction of a new are ? ltered out and drained. With game-changer according to the manu- notation indicating compliance with a choice of PVC or aluminum con- facturer is that the sludge oil does not the standards. Developed from a range struction, they’re available in stan- have to be heated prior to being burnt, of independent governmental and dard and custom shapes and sizes, which means that the incinerator.
commercial guidance, including the and offered in heated and chilled versions for use in extreme tempera-
U.S CDC, the guide addresses physi- 6. Iridium GMDSS ture conditions.
cal arrangement measures on board. Satellite communications provider
Iridium Communications Inc.’s
Global Maritime Distress and Safety 2. Air Decontamination 4. Supreme Pro Battery Charger
WhisperPower is ready to start ship- System (GMDSS) service of? cially
ALMACO and Genano have signed an ping its new range of Supreme Pro went live on December 11, ending a agreement to become preferred partners Battery Chargers. Available in four monopoly held by rival Inmarsat and in providing the marine and offshore models – 40, 60, 80 and 100 amps enhancing the integrity of global safe- – the chargers/power supplies have ty communications for seafarers glob- industry with patented air decontami- nation technology that improves overall been built to exceed the most strin- ally. Iridium’s GMDSS service is built passenger and crew health by removing gent requirements of the global ship- on the company’s upgraded $3 billion ping industry. The Supreme Pro range satellite network, completed in 2019, airborne impurities, including the nov- el coronavirus, of all sizes. ALMACO, is touted by the manufacture as the and utilizes the company’s L-band sat- which provides the marine and offshore smallest 24V battery charger of its ellite spectrum. This spectrum serves type in the world, able to run silently as a weather-resilient complement to industries with interior solutions for ac- and keep itself cool in hot areas such other satellite broadband capabilities commodation, catering, laundry, pub- as engine rooms that may otherwise on ships, aircraft and vehicles and is lic and technical areas, said air decon- tamination systems provider Genano is compromise performance. also a requirement for GMDSS termi- nals on SOLAS-class vessels.
the newest addition to its partner pool.
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