Page 35: of Marine News Magazine (March 2021)
Pushboats, Tugs & Barges
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Sean Fernstrum,
President of R.W. Fernstrum on board vessels of all sizes worldwide for decades, has the experience and technology to support the green push.
“We’ve done work with natural gas power engines, we’ve done work with fuel cells, hydrogen and so on, in cool- ing those systems. We’ve done work with a number of different hybrid sys- tems,” Fernstrum says, adding that his company’s engineered solutions can help to reduce emissions even further. “We’re able to simplify things quite a bit on the cooling side and actually in many cases we can reduce the power or energy requirements for the overall cooling system.”
In particular, the company’s signa- says. “With a closed cooling system, you ture closed-loop GRIDCOOLER keel don’t have that. That’s all gone.” cooler helps improve propulsion ef? - For R.W. Fernstrum, the advent of ciency while also driving down emis- electric and hybrid systems on vessels sions. “You’re able to eliminate auxiliary has brought in new business. On Maid pumps that you would need to if you’re of the Mist’s new fully electric tour fer- bringing seawater on board. You don’t ries James V. Glynn and Nikola Tesla, have to bring the seawater on board, for example, the ? rm supplied GRID- so you don’t have seacocks, you don’t COOLERS to cool the battery chillers have strainers, you don’t have seawater as well as the propulsion and control piping; all of that’s gone along with the systems. Notably, the keel coolers on auxiliary pump, which that can siphon board the aluminum-hulled fresh off one, two percent of your total pow- water catamarans are aluminum in- er off of an engine,” Fernstrum says. stead of the traditional copper nickel. “So, if you can recapture that, that’s “We’ve got that kind of ? exibility in de? nitely a big plus, especially when our design,” Fernstrum says.
you’re trying to dial in these energy re- Another noteworthy green vessel quirements on these vessels.” equipped by R.W. Fernstrum is the Red
R.W. Fernstrum’s closed-loop systems and White Fleet’s hybrid-electric tour also enable vessel owners to eliminate an- boat Enhydra. “[The vessel has] more of other type of emissions. “When you’ve a centralized cooling system, and we’re got an open cooling system, you’re pull- cooling that cooling loop, which has a ing the seawater on board, you’re put- number of different hybrid components ting it through the strainers, you’re put- on it. We’re using tranter plate and ting it through the engines, you’re doing frame heat exchangers,” Fernstrum says. all of that and then what are you doing? “We’ve got a lot of different options that
It’s going right off board again. It’s an- we can bring to the table for any given other source of emissions,” Fernstrum needs that somebody would have.” www.marinelink.com MN 35|