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Pushboats, Tugs & Barges
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SEA GRANT GREAT LAKES credited institution or equivalent. mize invasive species introductions,
TRANSPORT EXTENSION 3 years experience working on mari- and trade and regulatory policies.
EDUCATOR time transportation, hazardous mate- Understanding of environmental
Salary: $ Negotiable; expected $50,000- rials transport, marine/coastal policy. justice concepts as they relate to haz- $80,000, Full Time, Mid Career Excellent written, interpersonal, ardous materials transport and group presentation communica- Ability to communicate complex
Category: Project Engineering / tion skills, with demonstrated expe- maritime related issues effectively to
Project Management rience in communicating science to lay audiences.
non-scientists. Experience at writing and adminis-
Job Location: MN Sea Grant Depart- Demonstrated experience in devel- tering grants.
ment, 31 W College St, Duluth DU- oping, planning, and implementing Demonstrated ability to use a va-
LUTH, MN, 55812 United States education or outreach programs for riety of training methods, including
Contact diverse audiences. online/virtual methods.
Associate Director of Outreach and Demonstrated ability of working Demonstrated high level of ana-
Coastal Communities Extension Ed- effectively in a team setting with staff, lytical, organizational, and planning ucator constituents and partners with varying skills.
Email: [email protected] backgrounds, interests, and abilities in Demonstrated knowledge of logic
Work Phone : 218-726-6182 an atmosphere of mutual respect. models and evaluation techniques.
MN Sea Grant Department, 31 W Self-motivated with demonstrated Strong interpersonal skills, particu-
College St, Duluth DULUTH, MN, ability to work independently. larly the ability to work effectively 55812 United States with a diverse group of individuals,
Best quali? ed applicants may also dem- both within and outside the college
QUALIFICATIONS: onstrate the following PREFERRED and university.
Candidates must possess at least a QUALIFICATIONS: Experience working with and re-
Masters degree and should have at Understanding of Great Lakes mari- solving stakeholder differences least 3 years experience. time and hazardous materials transport Demonstrated ability to work as issues such as supply chain security, part of a team including experience
To be eligible, you must meet all short sea shipping, intermodal trans- leading project teams.
of the following REQUIRED portation, economic and environmen- Experience in developing and im-
QUALIFICATIONS: tal impacts, spill response planning, plementing regional and national ex- A Master’s degree is required. This waterway infrastructure maintenance, tension programs.
degree must be from a regionally ac- ballast water management to mini-