Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (April 2021)
Offshore Energy
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Products 1 3 4
Fincantieri CAIG KVH 2 6 Rolls-Royce ABS 5 Survitec © Alan Smillie / Adobe Stock coax cable, versus multiple cables, and 1. SOLID 156HS - 3. DeoxIT L27 Mechanical & to utilize DC power.
Intelligent Data Center Electrical Marine Greases
Condition Monitoring by Fincantieri CAIG Laboratories’ DeoxIT L27 Ma- 5. EXOLOK
Marine Services North America offers rine Mechanical and Electrical Greases an integrated approach to data col- are engineered for the lubrication and Survitec brand Crewsaver has lection, communication, projections protecting metal surfaces, and they also launched EXOLOK, a new cylinder and analysis. The SOLID combines a contain special additives which remove locking systemproviding increased monitor, data logger, powerful analy- and displace most surface oxidation and security for gas cylinders attached to sis software and radio (LTE & SAT), corrosion on metals. Manufactured in lifejackets. The system removes any all in one compact unit. It is the lat- semi-solid form for use as a combina- potential for a gas cylinder to work est technology designed to meet the tion cleaning, deoxidizing, protecting loose within a lifejacket. Users can most demanding requirements for and lubricating preparation, the greases perform a quick visual check to see monitoring and direct data analysis of protect against oxidation (galvanic cor- that all is well, making sure their gas complex thermodynamic systems. rosion) and are free of mineral acids, cylinder is correctly threaded with a sulphurs, alkalis and other noxious glance to see that two arrows line-up.
components aggressive to metals.
2. mtu EPA Tier 4 Engines 6. ABS Emissions Reporting Tool
Rolls-Royce received U.S. EPA Tier 4 certi? cation for its mtu propul- Classi? cation society ABS launched a 4. TracPhone V30 Marine sion systems based on its Series 4000 new digital emissions monitoring tool
VSAT Antenna
M65L 16-cylinder diesel engines. The KVH Industries, Inc., introduced the that allows vessel owners and opera- mtu propulsion system, which in- TracPhone V30, an ultra-compact tors to input and monitor their IMO cludes the engines and SCR exhaust Ku-band VSAT antenna designed to Data Collection System (DCS) and aftertreatment, has been put to use deliver data speeds as fast as 6 Mbps EU Monitoring Reporting and Veri- ? cation (MRV) review process. The during test bench runs and around down/2 Mbps up for leisure and com- 10,000 hours of operation in fer- mercial boats wanting to experience ABS Emissions Reporter application tracks the status of the veri? cation ries and tugs operated in the U.S. by the bene? ts of internet at sea. Measur- process and, once the data has been
Foss Maritime and the San Francisco ing 14.5 inches diameter and weigh-
Water Emergency Transportation Au- veri? ed by ABS engineering, makes it ing 23.4 lbs, the TracPhone V30 is de- thority (WETA). signed to provide ease of installation simple to export the results and sub- and retro? t with a single power-data mit to the appropriate organization.
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