Page 41: of Marine News Magazine (June 2021)
Combat & Patrol Craft
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People &
Companies rine engineering ? rm Technology Associ-
Galoni Takes the Helm at ates, Inc. TAI will continue its operations
Thordon Bearings
Anna Galoni has been appointed chief as TAI Engineers, LLC.
executive of? cer of bearing and seal spe-
MARAD Announced Training cialist Thordon Bearings Inc., a Thom-
Galoni Royal son-Gordon Group company.
Centers of Excellence
The U.S. Department of Transpor- tation’s Maritime Administration an-
New VP of Sales for Moose Boats nounced the designation of 27 Centers
California-based aluminum boat- builder Moose Boats announced it has of Excellence for Domestic Maritime hired Ken Royal as vice president of sales. Workforce Training and Education. The designation recognizes community col-
Reeves Complita leges and training institutions that pre-
EBDG Promotes Reeves, pare students for careers in our nation’s
Complita maritime industry.
Naval architecture ? rm Elliott Bay De- sign Group has promoted John Reeves,
US Watercraft Licensed to
PE, PMP to Principal in Charge and Mi-
Build SeaArk Designs chael Complita, PE, PMP to Vice Presi-
US Watercraft has entered into an ex- dent of Strategic Expansion.
Federer clusive licensing agreement with SeaArk
Marine to utilize the complete portfolio
Federer Joins AAM
Terry Federer recently joined Bellingham, of its commercial ? re? ghting, military,
Wash. boatbuilder All American Marine as survey and workboats.
business development manager.
Fairlead Licenses Rafnar’s
ÖK Hull for US Builds
Leidos Acquires Gibbs & Cox
Sabine Pilots
Portsmouth, Va.-based Fairlead said it
Defense, engineering and IT con- glomerate Leidos completed its $380 signed an exclusive agreement with the
Icelandic company Rafnar to build its million cash acquisition of marine en- gineering and naval architecture ? rm patented ÖK Hull in the U.S. for both
Gibbs & Cox. The deal, announced in manned and unmanned applications.
February, will see Gibbs & Cox operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary combined
Sabine Pilots Opens New HQ with Leidos’ maritime systems division. The Sabine Pilots Association opened its new headquarters located in Port
Arthur, Texas. The new structure is de-
S&B Acquires Technology
US Watercraft signed and built to enable the Sabine
Associates, Inc.
Houston-based engineering company Pilots to handle the growth and chal-
S&B Infrastructure, Ltd. announced it lenges of expanding shipping demands on their waterway.
has acquired naval architecture and ma-
Fairlead www.marinelink.com MN 41|