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In the past year, Kitsap Transit has accepted delivery of
BMT two new high-speed passenger ferries designed by BMT and
As one of the world’s premier independent ship design built by Nichols Bros. Boat Builders. The Enetai and Com- and engineering ? rm, BMT offers the complete range of mander carry 255 passengers at speeds up to 38 knots. As naval architecture and marine engineering services to ship- the U.S. wind industry heats up, BMT is a key partner for builders, operators, and ? eet owners. The ? rm’s experi- the design of wind farm support vessels/crew transfer ves- enced U.S.-based ship design and engineering profession- sels (CTVs). The WindServe Odyssey is operating on the als support projects throughout the vessel life cycle, from U.S. east coast and more are in the pipeline. BMT has also requirements and concept development through class and delivered projects and contract wins as an independent part- production design, and post-delivery support. BMT offers ner for shipbuilders executing U.S. government programs, high-value knowledge and expertise in a range of technical including T-AGOS(X), T-ARC(X), LAW, OPC and others. and program management disciplines, and is a leader and BMT also partnered in the delivery of a new workboat for key partner in executing ship design, acquisition and other the State of Maryland that is currently under construction.
technical programs for both commercial and government customers. With a substantial footprint in the U.S. and locations such as the U.K., Australia, Canada and the far
Boksa Marine Design east, BMT offers global resources and expertise to deliver
Boksa Marine Design (BMD) is a naval architecture expert products and services. In the U.S., BMT employs and marine design ? rm located just outside of Tampa, in professionals in all key ship design, engineering, mainte-
Lithia, Fla. Founded by naval architect and marine engi- nance and program management disciplines from of? ces neer, Nicholas Boksa, P.E., Boksa Marine Design’s engi- in Virginia, Texas, Washington and at home of? ces and neers have actually worked on ships at sea and have a wide customer sites throughout the continent and Hawaii. Its array of expertise and practical experience building in steel, global capability and U.S. workforce position BMT as the aluminum and composite. “Every Boksa boat is a rugged leading independent ? rm in the U.S. shipbuilding market.
vessel with exceptional seakeeping capabilities. Since our
BMT continues to develop its U.S.-based business, and naval architects and marine engineers are working sailors position itself as a partner of choice for ship owners, ship- who kicked steel onboard, every design is engineered like a builders, agencies, and companies requiring expert techni- ship we’d actually take to sea,” Boksa said.
cal services in the maritime and government sectors. The
Boksa boats are designed, engineered and built to exceed past year has seen key successes in terms of new ship de- the operational requirements of their unique mission. The liveries, key project wins, new business partnerships, and ? rm provides production engineering, systems engineering record company growth. BMT is actively executing mul- and complete re? t engineering for the commercial marine tiple key projects in sectors such as U.S. offshore wind, industry, including workboat, inland river and shallow passenger vessels, patrol craft, workboats and naval ships.
draft market. Among its notable recent projects, Boksa pro- 16 | MN October 2021