Page 69: of Marine News Magazine (October 2021)
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UNDERWRITERS feeler gage, AME will get the alignment straight. When More than 1,400 waterfront employers – the largest of one-size-? ts-all isn’t an option, AME’s two fully equipped any USL&H provider – trust the experts at The American machine shops can fabricate, balance, machine, weld and Equity Underwriters, Inc. with their longshore workers’ line bore customized solutions. AME also provides hy- compensation needs.
draulics service and repair on stabilizers, steering systems, thrusters and more.
Baxter Marine Group
A newcomer to the maritime industry is looking to
The American Equity make waves. Baxter Marine Group was founded in 2021 by the leadership team that revolutionized maintenance,
Underwriters inventory, and compliance software in the aviation indus-
The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. is the program try. Now the company seeks to revolutionize the marine administrator of the American Longshore Mutual Associ- industry with products ranging from proactive mainte- ation Ltd., a group self-insurance fund authorized by the nance solutions to damage control. In January, Baxter
U.S. Department of Labor to provide USL&H coverage Marine Group acquired Vessel Vanguard, WheelHouse for the liabilities of its members under the United States Technologies, and SeaKits Damage Control, with the
Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. AEU goal to provide products and services that focus on ma- works with insurance brokers to provide USL&H cover- rine safety and marine safety management. In September, age to employers who are members of ALMA, including Baxter launched its new Vessel Vanguard Pro and Vessel shipbuilders, ship repairers, marine terminal operators, Vanguard SMS platforms geared for the large vessel owner stevedores, marine contractors and other waterfront busi- and commercial ? eets. The same team that built the com- nesses. With a history rooted in maritime, AEU is keenly pany’s aviation platform has designed and built the new aware of the challenges faced by waterfront employers and VV platforms, providing a comprehensive solution where has carefully built services and teams around loss control, forms, communications (alerts, emails, etc.), reporting underwriting, and claims handling to directly address the and compliance forms are integrated into one platform - challenges and intense regulation these employers face. with an e-signature capability. www.marinelink.com MN 69|