Page 73: of Marine News Magazine (November 2021)
Great Workboats of 2021
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People &
Companies day opened a new Rhode Island of? ce ? cient number of mariners for their
Brunswick Promotes for its New Energy division, to advance current operations, increased activity
Neff, Stickler the development and operation of off- in traditional offshore markets, and
Brunswick Corporation announced shore wind energy installations. the new offshore wind market.
Kris Neff has been named Boston
Whaler president, and Nick Stickler
Cox Appoints HII Hires Holmess as EVP has been appointed vice president of
Huntington Ingalls Industries has category management and strategic
Wesson as COO named Stewart Holmes executive vice planning at Mercury Marine.
Diesel outboard engines manu- facturer Cox Marine has appointed president, government and customer
Gavin Wesson as its new chief operat- relations, succeeding Mitch Wald-
New Deputy Port ing of? cer. man, who retired on September 30.
Directors at Port of
Phoenix Promotes Williams May? ower Wind Hires Cotta
The Port of Brownsville has ap-
Marine services contractor Phoenix Massachusetts offshore wind de- pointed two new deputy port direc- has promoted Chris Williams to the veloper May? ower Wind announced tors. Melinda Rodriguez is the dep- position of Vice President, Manned it has hired Will Cotta as its supply uty port director of administration
Operations. chain manager.
and will oversee the port’s HR, real estate services, ? nance, comms and
Marshall Named Hamilton Named JAXPORT administrative services departments.
Ecochlor CEO Board Chair
Arturo Gomez joins the port staff as
Ballast water treatment systems The Jacksonville Port Authority deputy port director of operations, manufacturer Ecochlor, Inc. appoint- (JAXPORT) Board of Directors se- responsible for the port’s engineer- ed Andrew Marshall as CEO, replac- lected new of? cers during its monthly ing, cargo services and FTZ, police ing Steve Candito, who will continue meeting on September 27, unani- and security, and facilities mainte- to support the company as a senior mously electing ? nancial services ex- nance departments as well as the har- advisor to the Ecochlor board of di- ecutive Wendy O. Hamilton as Chair.
bor master’s of? ce.
rectors and leadership team
Ian-Conrad Bergan
Jo-Kell Acquires ATS
Crowley Names Messina Rebrands as Bergan
Jo-Kell Inc. has completed its
M&A VP Marine Systems acquisition of industrial electrical
Crowley Maritime Corporation an- Ian-Conrad Bergan, LLC.—a ma- and automation products distribu- nounced it has appointed Massimo rine equipment manufacturer for over tor Advanced Technical Sales (ATS).
Messina as vice president, mergers 45 years—announced the company’s ATS will continue to operate under and acquisitions. rebrand, new leadership and new di- their name as a division of Jo-Kell, rection. Rebranding as Bergan Ma- now with expanded services and
OMSA Forms Workforce rine Systems under new president and products available.
CEO, Kyle Durden, the company will
Development Committee
The Offshore Marine Service As- expand its focus to include electron-
Raritan Hires McNeel sociation (OMSA) announced the ic and computer controls, as well as
Raritan Engineering has hired Pat- formation of the OMSA Workforce cloud-based solutions for marine data rick McNeel as a marine equipment
Development Committee as the trade systems, along with continuing their product developer. group’s members work to secure a suf- traditional products.
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