Page 38: of Marine News Magazine (July 2022)
Propulsion Technology
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could be used as a Type II Marine Sanitation Device. Boo
Boo took his design ideas to a rotational molder, and after much consideration, the Ahead Tank was born.
Ahead Tank operates as a biological aerobic (bacteria and air) marine sanitation device (MSD). The cost-ef- fective solution works with nature to accelerate the natu- ral biological waste degrading process. Liquid and solid wastes are removed from the water by the bacteria natu-
Vane Brothers has been using the Ahead rally contained in the sewage. The processed water is clean
MSD system on nearly and free from solids; however, the liquid must be disin- all of its new tugs. fected prior to discharging overboard in order to kill any
Vane Brothers disease-causing bacteria. This biological process is simple, reliable and odor free.
Ahead Sanitation’s ? agship product, the Ahead Tank, is pared to the older, heavier and bulkier tanks provided by manufactured 100% on American soil as the only USCG other manufacturers,” he said. “If you’ve ever had one of certi? ed Type II MSD that has three individual treatment the older steel MSD tanks fail and you need to remove it, chambers rotationally molded into the integral structure of you’ll de? nitely appreciate the lightweight tanks and sim- a single tank. According to Boo Boo, many said that this plicity of the Ahead Tank design. Chesapeake Shipbuild- was impossible to do, yet his determination and ingenuity ing, St. Johns Ship Building and Conrad Shipyard (Texas) brought the unique design to reality. This signature design all agree with me and love installing them,” Demske said.
is imperative in preventing bacteria transfer from one tank In addition to selling to the mainstream markets, Ahead to another—something steel tanks cannot guarantee. Sanitation also works with individuals on custom jobs, and
Ahead’s system is constructed of a durable lightweight, customers will often ? nd that they get to speak with the chemical and corrosion proof LLDPE maintenance free designer and owner himself. Boo Boo recently out? tted material. The company said it uses cutting edge rotational a gold dredging barge that will soon be headed to Alaska. molding technology to set innovative standards and rede- Additionally, he is in the process of helping a water taxi ? ne the means of treating human waste. company solve its dockside sewage issues.
Ahead Sanitation has more than 1,400 satis? ed custom- Boo Boo takes great pride in the products Ahead Sani- ers, big and small, from shipbuilders and tug and barge tation makes and delivers, saying “I treat sh*t, I don’t sell companies, to pleasure boat owners, captains and anyone it!” He also places great emphasis on top-notch customer who likes the color yellow. service, often going above and beyond to help customers.
Jim Demske, Senior Port Captain with Vane Broth- As an example, when a recent shipyard welding mistake re- ers, Inc. based out of Baltimore, said Vane has been us- sulted in a melted MSD tank, Boo Boo personally replaced ing the Ahead MSD system on nearly all of its new tugs, the system so the vessel could get back to work the next day.
which number well over two dozen. And the company has Ahead stocks a wide range of macerating toilets, grind- swapped out older MSD systems with the Ahead Tank on ers, submersible sump pumps, air pumps and control existing vessels as well. “The Ahead MSD is Vane Broth- panels at its 10,000-square-foot warehouse in Broussard, ers’ choice for the most reliable MSD system. These MSDs and it carries its own environmentally friendly treatment are super reliable. The tanks and components are all light- chemicals called “Sum Uh Dat”.
weight and corrosion proof, something that is key to lon- Boo Boo, who is also known for his signature Cajun gevity on an MSD system,” Demske said. sauces and seasonings—included as part of every system
Demske also noted the system is easy to install com- delivery—said, “Ahead Sanitation has you covered from pared to other MSDs on the market. “On newbuilds the the table to the toilet. Remember, call Boo Boo if you want shipyards often comment on the ease of installation com- to make treating number two easier to do.” www.marinelink.com MN 39|