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Boksa Marine Design
Boksa Marine
Design duction engineering projects for Conrad Shipyard, Blount
Boksa Marine Design (BMD) is a naval architecture Boats, St. Johns Ship Building, VanEnkevort Tug & Barge and Overseas Shipholding Group. BMD recently provided and marine design ? rm located just outside of Tampa, in complete design and engineering for DonJon’s 78’ tug J.
Lithia, Fla. Founded by naval architect and marine engi-
Arnold Witte, it ? rm completed ship repair and re? t engi- neer, Nicholas Boksa, P.E., Boksa Marine Design’s engi- neering jobs for International Ship Repair, and it assisted neers have actually worked on ships at sea and have a wide with Subchapter T regulatory compliance for Corinthian array of expertise and practical experience building in steel,
Catamarans and Cooper Marine. aluminum and composite. “Every Boksa boat is a rugged vessel with exceptional seakeeping capabilities. Since our
B H G , I .RISTOL ARBOR ROUP NC naval architects and marine engineers are working sailors
Among the U.S.’ leading naval architecture ? rms, Bris- who kicked steel onboard, every design is engineered like a tol Harbor Group, Inc. is a full-service naval architecture, ship we’d actually take to sea,” Boksa said.
Boksa boats are designed, engineered and built to exceed marine engineering and consulting ? rm located on the the operational requirements of their unique mission. The harbor in Bristol, R.I. The company has been in business ? rm provides production engineering, systems engineering for more than 25 years, having produced numerous de- and complete re? t engineering for the commercial marine signs, to which hundreds of vessels have been built. BHGI industry, including workboat, inland river and shallow specializes in commercial vessel design and consulting and have experience with tugs, barges, ATBs, passenger vessels, draft market
BMD completed 720 naval architecture projects up to workboats, dredges and ? oating dry docks.
BHGI utilizes state of the art computer modeling and 740 feet for 65 clients since 2003, demonstrating high versatility between commercial, military, government, design tools. Some of the naval architecture services pro- law enforcement, inland waterways and passenger vessels. vided include structural analysis, ? nite element analysis,
Projects run the gamut from crane barges to survey and deadweight surveys, hydrodynamic analyses utilizing com- putational ? uid dynamics and hydrostatic analysis. BHGI patrol boats for Workskiff & North River Boats, and pro- 46 | MN October 2022