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Robert Allan Ltd. NETSCo
Mike Fitzpatrick
Robert Allan Ltd
NETSCo also has multiple ongoing projects in the off- Asked about where he sees greatest opportunities for Rob- shore wind turbine industry. A Stowage Survey was recently ert Allan Ltd. In the U.S., the ? rm’s president Mike Fitzpat- completed to con? rm that the stowage arrangement and rick, said, “While we’re strongly in favor of decarbonization cargo-securing solution that was designed by NETSCo were because it’s the right thing to do, it also presents an opportu- installed as directed. Additionally, this year NETSCo En- nity for our company. Robert Allan is somewhat unique in gineers worked with other innovators in the wind turbine that we’re a relatively large ? rm of naval architects that focus- industry to engineer a “transformative offshore wind trans- es almost entirely on small commercial workboats, whereas portation and installation vessel solution using a Jones-Act most of our competitors in that market are quite a bit smaller compliant concept.” NETSCo focused on designing a be- than us without necessarily the breadth of experience, cer- spoke, cost-effective WTIV, focusing on the design parame- tainly in terms of the number vessels that get built. So as ters that matter most and eliminating non-essential features. the vessels get more complex technically, that plays into our strength here as a company. The fact that we build so many vessels means we get the opportunity to learn from each one.
If you’re only having ? ve vessels built of your design every
Robert Allan Ltd. is Canada’s most senior consulting naval year, it takes a while to build up that experience, whereas if architecture and marine engineering ? rm, established in Van- couver, B.C. in 1930, with an international reputation for we’re doing 100 a year, each one’s an opportunity for us to learn and then apply that knowledge to the next one.” innovative designs of a wide range of vessels for service in the “When a vessel owner comes to us, they need to trust marine transportation industry. In particular, it has earned a reputation as a leader in harbor and seagoing tugs, shallow that we’re going to give them a working vessel at the end.
And I think we’ve built up over the years a pretty good draft towing vessels and ? reboats for major world ports.
Robert Allan Ltd. has extensive in-house computational reputation for integrating new technologies and delivering ? uid dynamics (CFD) expertise in performing detailed not R&D platforms, but actual working vessels. That puts us in pretty good stead going forward with most of the hydrodynamic performance simulations utilizing a power- ful and continually upgraded high performance computer operators in the U.S. We have a number of really good and cluster. This capability enables the ? rm to deliver quick very loyal owner clients in the U.S. that we’ve developed and accurate solutions at a lower cost than model tanks or good boats for in the past, and they look to us to develop external consultants. This in-house capability also allows more in the future. So, maintaining our leading position in terms of technology creates opportunity for us, for sure. “ for highly ef? cient design optimization.
52 | MN October 2022