Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (October 2022)
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Maritime Professional Training HydroComp
Houston-based ABS, a leading global provider of clas-
UNDERWRITERS si? cation, sustainability and technical advisory services to
The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. is the program the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting administrator of the American Longshore Mutual Associa- standards for safety and excellence in design and construc- tion Ltd., a group self-insurance fund authorized by the tion. Focused on safe and practical application of advanced
U.S. Department of Labor to provide USL&H coverage for technologies and digital solutions, ABS works with indus- the liabilities of its members under the United States Long- try and clients to develop accurate and cost-effective com- shore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. AEU works pliance, optimized performance and operational ef? ciency with insurance brokers to provide USL&H coverage to em- for marine and offshore assets.
ployers who are members of ALMA, including shipbuilders,
ABS, led by CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki, has en- ship repairers, marine terminal operators, stevedores, marine joyed a standout year, supporting the industry with sig- contractors and other waterfront businesses of all sizes. AEU ni? cant advances in technology, sustainability and vessel is the leading provider of this highly niche form of insur- design. To highlight a few, ABS worked with HHI on its ance. In fact, more than 1,500 waterfront employers—the landmark autonomy project, supported Robert Allan Ltd most of any USL&H provider—trust the experts at The with delivery of the ? rst vessel to be designed, built and American Equity Underwriters, Inc. with their longshore veri? ed entirely in 3D, and worked with Sdari and Thor- workers’ compensation needs. The Longshore Act presents den on a revolutionary new vessel design with a novel aft many challenges for employers and they require a true ex- layout, which eliminates pollution and promotes ef? cient pert to help navigate this federal workers’ compensation law.
vessel operations.
The ABS-classed ? eet has grown to 279 million gross
H CYDRO OMP tons, and ABS has the number one position in global or-
For more than 30 years, HydroComp has been a leader derbook share. ABS is not only number one for new order share in the U.S., but also in China, Singapore, Taiwan, in providing hydrodynamic software and consulting ser-
South Korea, Greece, Denmark, Brazil, Singapore and vices for resistance and propulsion prediction, propel- ler sizing and design, and forensic performance analysis.
Hong Kong.
54 | MN October 2022