Page 63: of Marine News Magazine (November 2022)
Great Workboats of 2022
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BAE Systems’ HybriGen Assist system will be installed on a new hybrid-electric passenger vessel for the Maine Department of Transportation’s Maine State Ferry Service (MSFS).
Senesco Marine less than 50% of their installed power—a lot of loitering bor, it also can do that under all-electric propulsion until it time. And that loitering time leads to excess and unneces- gets underway at the full cruise speed. Then it will use con- sary emissions,” Hudspeth said. “So why not do that with ventional based propulsion. And that’s all done through all-electric emissions-free power?” a seamless transition. The captain just needs to focus on
Another key area of opportunity for BAE Systems’ Hy- driving the boat. Everything is fully automated.” briGen is in the CTV segment. “We see North America The system will also be able to provide a boost when really gearing up to get into the offshore wind industry,” power needs surpass what the conventional propulsion
Hudspeth said. “If you’re going to a green form of power can supply. “Our electric propulsion can work in con- generation for our homes and businesses, certainly the ves- junction with that diesel propulsion and provide boosting sels that are out there tending to those wind farms should power even to higher horsepower ranges,” Hudspeth said. also have similar low emissions, low carbon footprint pro- “That’s a unique feature of a parallel-based hybrid propul- pulsion systems as well.” sion system.”
Among the most noteworthy applications for the In addition to the parallel-based hybrid propulsion set-
HybriGen system is the Sea Change, America’s ? rst hy- up, HybriGen can also be used in full electric applications drogen fuel cell powered vessel. And BAE Systems has or even hybrid applications that use serial hybrid propul- secured a number of notable orders across the globe sion. The scalable system can be customized to provide all in recent months. In the U.S., it was tapped to supply necessary power for both propulsion loads and auxiliary its solution to deliver reduced and zero-emission op- power hotel loads. “It really is a modular and ? exible plat- erations capability for a new hybrid-electric passenger form and gives us a lot of capability,” Hudspeth said. “We vessel being built by North Kingstown, R.I. shipyard Se- can even use this same system to facilitate all of the charg- nesco Marine for the Maine State Ferry Service (MSFS). ing for the batteries.” “For this particular project, we’re using a parallel-based While HybriGen’s modularity and scalability help BAE hybrid propulsion system,” Hudspeth said. “It has a con- Systems to tailor the system for a wider range of vessels ventional propulsion power plant installed on board the and operational pro? les, these characteristics also help the vessel, which is supplemented by electric propulsion. We company to cater to customers at all stages of the decar- actually use all-electric, zero-emissions propulsion for the bonization movement. “We realize this is a journey. Not vessel to be at the dock while the cars and passengers are everyone is ready to get to zero emissions today,” Hud- loading. It’s done completely emissions free. And this par- speth said. “We can offer a hybrid solution that uses diesel ticular boat, the vessel needs to hold itself against the dock as a source for power generation. Or we can use that same and have propulsion remain engaged. And we can do that HybriGen technology for all-electric, simply add more completely quiet, vibration free and emissions free. And batteries. The great thing is people can start out with a then when the vessel departs the dock and leaves the har- hybrid solution today and very quickly in the future, tran- www.marinelink.com MN 63|