Page 45: of Marine News Magazine (June 2023)
Combat & Patrol Craft
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Caudwell Marine 3
Products VETUS Maxwell In-Mar Solutions 1 2 4 MAN Energy Solutions 5 OXE Marine 1. VETUS Wind Turbine Hatches 3. Caudwell Marine Diesel Outboard
Rugged, heavy-duty hatches built to withstand tough conditions of either U.K. based Caudwell Marine said its content of FAME fuels, the engine’s onshore or offshore wind production new diesel 300hp outboard will be maximum continuous rating (MCR) environments; produced to highest delivered in early 2024 following ? nal would drop if no correction measures quality design standards and to offer validation and durability testing on were applied, MAN said. Therefore, ease of installation. boats in Lowestoft, U.K., and hot en- the manufacturer developed a solution
Innovative designs, low pro? le with an- vironment testing in Dubai. Aimed pri- that allows the correction of the load marily at the commercial and military by means of a fuel adaption control odized aluminum frames in multiple siz- es and optional con? gurations. Can be markets, the outboard features a marine ensuring full MCR power, also when opened from inside or outside. Hatches proven 300hp, V6 turbo charged high operating with 100% FAME fuels.
can be shut completely watertight or se- performance diesel engine. The product cured with small air gap for ventilation. features a patented integrated steering 5. OXE Hybrid 450 system known as an ‘Axis Drive’, which OXE Marine’s OXE Hybrid 450 is a new https://vetus.com/usa/ articulates steering from the lower unit hybrid concept engine combining the 2. In-Mar Solutions: only, with the powerhead and upper diesel drive of OXE Marine’s outboards Wynn Marine Pantograph leg section remaining stationary in the with electric drive. The 450hp concept Heavy Duty Window Wipers turn. The engineering ensures the pro- engine is based on OXE Marine’s diesel
Wynn Marine Pantograph window wip- pellers are always effectively deployed to outboard OXE300. By equipping the ers are the ultimate solution for applica- deliver full power throughout the turn.
existing rig with a 400-volt electric mo- tions where complex window shapes need tor connected to a lithium-ion battery, to be wiped effectively and economically. 4. MAN 175D additional opportunities for fuel savings
The wipers can be applied to anything MAN Energy Solutions’ MAN 175D are achieved along with the bene? ts that from large commercial vessels to small high-speed engine range, which in- pure electric operation offers. In com- and military vessels on land and at sea.
Pantograph wipers are available in a cludes 12-, 16- and 20-cylinder vari- bination with HVO100 biodiesel, the range of sizes from 2Nm of torque ants with outputs ranging from 1,500 OXE Hybrid 450 can reduce carbon to 4,400 kilowatts, is now formally ap- dioxide emissions compared to a tradi- up to 110Nm with a wide variety of proved to operate 100% on standard tional gasoline-fueled outboard. Thanks control systems and switch options. biofuels such as hydrotreated vegetable to the fact that the electric motor drives
In addition, they can be supplied with oil (HVO) and fatty acid methyl es- the power transmission directly, it can heated arms and spray-jets. ter (FAME) without any technical also be used as a generator to charge the www.inmarsystems.com adjustments. Due to the lower energy battery during diesel operation.
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