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Combat & Patrol Craft
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Marine News June 2023 Volume 34 Number 6
Marine News (ISSN#1087-3864) (USPS#013-952)
Editor’s Note
New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271 www.marinelink.com
Sometimes, after conducting an inter- view for an article, I ? nd myself wonder-
CEO ing, “How can I possibly ? t all of this into
John C. O’Malley • [email protected] one story?” When an interviewee is gener-
Publisher & Editorial Director
Greg Trauthwein • [email protected] ous with their time, expertise and insights,
I want to include as much as possible in
Eric Haun • [email protected] print. This recently happened when I had
Tel: 212-477-6700 the opportunity to speak with Mike Ellis,
Contributing Writers
CEO at American Commercial Barge Line.
Tom Ewing, James Kearns, Barry Parker, Jeff Vogel
He provided me with enough material to
Production & Graphics Manager write at least 10 stories! However, I did my
Eric Haun, Editor,
Nicole Ventimiglia • [email protected] best to condense everything into a single [email protected]
SALES piece for the Insights section of this edition.
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
In our conversation, Ellis discusses the top
Terry Breese • [email protected]
Tel: 561-732-1185 Fax: 561-732-8414 challenges that ACBL and the barging industry as a whole are facing. We
Advertising Sales Managers delve into the dynamics of the market and the ongoing process of con-
Lucia Annunziata • [email protected] solidation. Additionally, we explore the need for and concerns surrounding
Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6240 Fax: 212-254-6271 technological advancements in the industry, among several other topics. The
John Cagni • [email protected] story starts on page 10.
Tel: 631-472-2715
This month’s cover is one of my favorites, generously shared courtesy of the
Frank Covella • [email protected]
Tel: 561-732-1659 Fax: 561-732-8063
U.S. Coast Guard Art Program Collection. Our cover story, written by Ed-
Mike Kozlowski • [email protected] ward Lundquist, provides an overview of the ongoing shipbuilding programs
Tel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670 aimed at strengthening the ? eets of small craft for the United States’ Navy,
Gary Lewis • [email protected]
Coast Guard and other sea services. While warships and larger vessels tend
Tel: 516-441-7258 to dominate media coverage and attention, it’s important not to overlook the
Managing Director, Intl. Sales crucial role played by smaller vessels such as patrol and rescue boats. These
Paul Barrett • [email protected]
Tel: +44 1268 711560 Fax: +44 1268 711567 unsung heroes of the sea contribute signi? cantly to safety, security and pro-
CORPORATE STAFF tection in both domestic and international waters.
Manager, Marketing
Mark O’Malley • [email protected]
Esther Rothenberger • [email protected]
Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6810
Manager, Info Tech Services
Vladimir Bibik
Kathleen Hickey • [email protected]
Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6320
Subscriptions to Marine News (9 printed issues) for one year are available for $50.00; Two years (18 printed issues) for $80.00.
Send your check payable to:
Marine News, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010
Marine News (ISSN# 1087-3864) is published bi-monthly (6 times per year) by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 E 25th St. New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of? ces.
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