Page 48: of Marine News Magazine (August 2023)
Boatbuilding & Repair
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Page Company Website Phone# 37 Ahead Sanitation www.aheadsanitationsystems.com (337) 330-4407 21 All American Marine www.AllAmericanMarine.com (360) 647-7602 27 Arcosa Marine www.arcosamarine.com (615) 400-4373 25 Bristol Harbor Group, Inc. www.BristolHarborGroup.com (401) 253-4318 9 Cassens & Plath GmbH www.cassens-plath.de/en 49 431 7027 174 15 Clean Gulf www.cleangulf.org Visit us online 41 Creative Systems www.ghsport.com (360) 385-6212 7 Crowley www.crowley.com/wind Please visit our website
C2 David Clark Company www.davidclark.com (508) 751-5888 1 DMW Marine Group, LLC www.dmwmarinegroup.com (610) 827-2032 31 Environmental Marine, Inc. www.envmar.com (606) 561-4697 17 Gladding Hearn www.gladding-hearn.com (508) 676-8596 25 Hilliard Corp. www.hilliardcorp.com (607) 733-7121 3 Marine Systems, Inc www.marinesystemsinc.com (985) 223-7100 39 McDonough Marine Service mcdonoughmarine.com (504) 780-8100 19 Pennel and Flipo www.pennelusa.com (843) 881-9026
C4 R.W. Fernstrum & Company www.fernstrum.com (906) 863-5553 41 Rhotheta International Inc www.rhothetaint.com/marine (954) 495-8700 31 Ribcraft USA LLC. www.ribcraftusa.com (781) 639-9065 27 Robert Allan Ltd. www.ral.ca Visit us online 13 Scania, USA Inc. www.scaniausa.com (210) 403-0007 19 SEATAC Marine www.seatacmarine.com (206) 767-6000 33 Shipping Insight www.shippinginsight.com (203) 255-4686 5 The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. www.amequity.com/safety-awards Visit us online
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