Page 23: of Marine News Magazine (November 2023)
Workboat Edition
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remains a recognized ? oating nuclear facility by the NRC. ing was well attended with congressional support, and the
The decommissioning continues in capable hands with brie? ng was followed by an American Bureau of Shipping members of the U.S. Maritime Administration who have (ABS) Global Forum – The Role of Advanced Nuclear been associated with the vessel for many years. Technologies in the Maritime Energy Transition.
The Savannah was not the only global merchant ves- The ABS Forum gathered many maritime and energy sel that looked to employ nuclear propulsion. The Russian sources to discuss the capability of new nuclear technolo- built LASH carrier Sevmorput continues to operate under gies. A well-orchestrated collection of shipowners, opera- government control to this day. tors, port authorities, shipbuilders, designers, regulators
Move forward to current day requirements and regula- and nuclear industry representatives were in attendance. tions addressing alternative energy to power the national While many attendees may have been skeptical about grid and the maritime industry’s efforts to reach zero emis- where the forum discussions would lead, ABS Chairman sions, there is an indication that advanced nuclear tech- and CEO Christopher J. Weirnicki’s opening remark, nologies may be the path to achieve both goals and meet “This is a generational moment,” proved to be an under-
President Eisenhower’s ? nal statement in his Atoms for statement after listening to all of the panels. His quote
Peace speech: could have well been included in Eisenhower’s original ad- “To hasten the day when fear of the atom will begin to dress to the UN. disappear from the minds of the people and the govern- A driving force behind the ability to continue the re- ments of the East and West, there are certain steps that search beyond the opening forum is the development of can be taken now”. Small Module Reactors (SMR).
On September 28, 2023 we were invited to attend a SMRs are a class smaller than conventional nuclear reac-
Congressional Brie? ng on Advanced Nuclear Technology tors, which can be built in one factory location, shipped, in the Maritime Industry in Washington DC. The meet- commissioned and operated at a separate site. The term www.marinelink.com MN 23|