Page 55: of Marine News Magazine (November 2023)
Workboat Edition
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Great Vessels of 2023
Derecktor Shipyards
Marcelle Melosira is a research and teaching vessel oper- icance of our great Lake Champlain,” said Jason Stockwell, ated by the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natu- director of the Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory.
ral Resources at the University of Vermont (UVM). The While the vessel will be used for limnological, ? sheries 64-foot-long aluminum catamaran was designed by Chart- and geophysical research, it will also host public outreach well Marine in the U.K. and built by Derecktor Shipyards trips with partner organizations, including many hands-on in Mamaroneck, N.Y. to serve as a ? oating classroom and educational trips for regional K-12 schools. The vessel can laboratory on Lake Champlain. accommodate up to 29 passengers and three crewmem-
Notably, the boat runs on a Hybrigen propulsion sys- bers, a 10-person capacity upgrade over the previous vessel.
tem engineered by BAE Systems for lower emissions and Marcelle Melosira features a modular laboratory class- reduced fuel burn. The diesel-electric hybrid system fea- room that can easily be recon? gured to support evolving tures two electric motors, lithium-ion batteries and two scienti? c and teaching needs. A ? rst-of-its-kind electric 306-horsepower Cummins diesel generators. For added winch, designed by engineers at the Woods Hole Oceano- ef? ciency, the vessel boasts a custom catamaran hull con- graphic Institution, is located on the topside deck and is struction designed to minimize resistance on the hull and essential for deploying scienti? c instrumentation such as ensure stability in windy conditions. The vessel is also water column pro? lers, camera systems and plankton nets. equipped with dual control stations to maximize oper- The vessel will also facilitate the launch and recovery of ability, and offers a large interior space and an expansive small remotely operated vehicles (ROV).
exterior aft deck area. Stockwell described the vessel as an incredible resource “The new hybrid electric vessel is one of the ? rst of its for students, community partners and researchers. “With kind for research and teaching, fully equipped to expand increased capacity, state-of-the-art equipment, and an im-
UVM’s cutting-edge world-class research, deliver hands-on proved classroom environment onboard, the Marcelle Me- education programs to students of all ages, and welcome losira greatly enhances our ability to do impactful research the public to learn about the mysteries, wonders and signif- and education.” www.marinelink.com MN 55|