Page 10: of Marine News Magazine (April 2024)
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President & CEO,
American Waterways Operators
The towboat, tug and barge industry is in a pe- CARB’s harbor craft rules have been center riod of rapid evolution. How is AWO—now in its stage of late. AWO’s stance on the situation has 80th year of existence—adapting to meet the been clear since day one. What do you make of industry’s evolving needs? recent developments?
It starts with listening to members so that we can adapt I think that concerns about both the safety implica- to the changing needs that they have now, and the needs tions and the supply chain implications of the CARB that they anticipate having going forward. Some things harbor craft rules are gaining traction. To be clear, our stay pretty constant: AWO’s fundamental roles as the in- industry does not shy away from making improve- dustry’s advocate, as a resource for the industry, as the ments, making upgrades to support safety and environ- industry’s united voice. But what are the issues? What mental sustainability. You’ve seen that many times over are the challenges? What are the things that could really the years in our support for things, our leadership of shape members, both in the public policy environment things like Subchapter M, or the Vessel Incidental Dis- and the business environment, over the next few years? charge Act. Unfortunately, CARB has, to date, just not
Those things change. In order to evolve and adapt, we’ve been willing to make changes to make sure that their got to be constantly talking with members, listening to regulations are going to be effective in reducing emis- them, hearing what they have to say so that we can make sions, and they’re not going to produce unacceptable the improvements, make the changes and make sure that safety risks for mariners and vessels and the environ- we’re keeping up. ment and that they’re going to be achievable within the 10 | MN April 2024