Page 27: of Marine News Magazine (April 2024)
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Loumania Stewart / U.S. Coast Guard focus), which require very different business systems to be in place. “We’ve been able to do both,” he said, noting that having systems in place for government jobs makes East- ern Shipbuilding “move-in ready for the Navy and other
DOD agencies that are going to have to grow the ? eet.” “The big challenge,” D’Isernia said, “is that there is not enough capacity in the U.S. . . . We are certainly eager to expand our presence in the government marketplace.”
In the same panel discussion, Bollinger’s Bordelon said, “You’ve had vessels come out of typical oil and gas markets and maneuver into other markets. This creates conversion opportunities. We’ve probably done over 30 in the last couple of years.” But with stronger oil and gas markets (seemingly) on the horizon, he wondered aloud whether such work might continue on a bigger scale.
Eastern Shipbuilding Group is building
Two 2024 announcements from Eastern Shipbuilding the ? rst four Offshore Patrol Cutters provide a window into the types of commercial projects for the U.S. Coast Guard.
that sophisticated yards can take on. It announced a deal with a ? nancial owner (which acquired the partially com- pleted vessels after dif? culties at another yard) to ? nish that you can integrate into commercial applications.” construction of two ultra-high-spec 400 class multipurpose Bordelon followed up, discussing consolidation in the support vessels (MPSV) for Hornbeck Offshore Services. sector, noting “the smaller pool” and citing Bollinger’s
According to Eastern, HOS Warhorse and HOS Wild acquisitions of Gulf Island Shipyard (2021) and Halter
Horse will boast two large, heave-compensated cranes, two (2022). He said, “Staying in commercial keeps your blades remotely operated vehicles (ROV), a spacious moonpool sharp. . . It is a more competitive market.” In describing its and accommodations for 102 personnel. portfolio, Bordelon cited the yard’s present government-
In another project for Hornbeck, the yard is undertaking heavy newbuilds posture, saying, “We like more complex the conversion of a 2014 built 280 class Platform Supply projects, that have more added value.” vessel into a high spec Service Operation Vessel (SOV), to Complexity also ties into the human resources side of be named HOS Rocinante. Eastern says that the converted the business, a perennial issue for yards, with both panelists vessel, set for Spring 2025 delivery, “is a dual-service SOV/ emphasizing the need to “de-risk” projects early on. This in- ? otel tailored to serve the emerging demand of the U.S. cludes detailed management of work? ows, where the speci? c offshore wind market and the ongoing demand of the pet- tasks comport with the skills and expertise of the workforce.
ro-energy ? otel market.” Not so coincidentally, the boat “We need it to be as easy as it can be for us to have suc- (ex-name HOS Rosehill) was originally built by Eastern. cess. . . We spent a lot of our time on front-end engineer-
On the Marine Money panel in New Orleans, Bollinger’s ing,” Bordelon said, noting that in some cases, the need
Bordelon had a different take on cyclicality, noting the ab- for highly speci? c skillsets has led to actual acquisition of sence of supply vessels under construction, as the market is vendors: “Sometimes we make buys.” recovering from the huge dip staring in 2014-2015. Like After mentioning one long-term program building Fast
Eastern Shipbuilding, Bollinger handles both government Response Cutters (FRC) for the Coast Guard, where 55 and commercial work, and also strives to keep them separate. vessels have been delivered over three decades, Bordelon
Bordelon was quick to point that: “The government does said, “I’m pretty vertically integrated on that contract.” have some complex ships, and there are some lessons learned This was then contrasted with commercial work, with as far as project management, engineering and procurement one-off projects, he added: “It’s hard to staff up . . . because www.marinelink.com MN 27|