Page 23: of Marine News Magazine (June 2024)

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A New Era

The Evolution of Modern-day Shipbuilding

By Jeff Dixon, President, TOTE Services

In the grand tradition

Ships crewed by talented Merchant Mariners. These vessels of American innovation, we’ve long been masters of were integral to carrying the guns and butter needed to the maritime domain, building advanced ships for our win the War. Since those glory days, processes have evolved

Navy, the preeminent force in the world. But times have and improved given new technology, information and les- changed, and seas are more treacherous than they used to sons learned from the past.

be. With this, there are ample opportunities for innovators Building a new ship – of any kind – is no small feat. A to launch a new era of shipbuilding for the 21st Century. new government or large-scale commercial vessel requires

When people think of American shipbuilding, they of- millions of dollars, thousands of people, and hundreds ten look to U.S. shipyards’ historic shipbuilding in World of custom parts – not to mention the right shipyard, a

War II. Production lines pushed out almost 3,000 Liberty strong industrial base of suppliers and, ideally, both speed

The Empire State was the ? rst NSMV completed as part of TOTE Services’ VCM award from

MARAD. The ship was delivered on-time and on-budget. Four additional ships are scheduled to be delivered in the next two years.

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Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.