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Washington Watch
Congress Raises the National
Security Alarm on Shipbuilding
By Jeff Vogel, Partner, Cozen O’Connor
A bipartisan, bicameral group is emerging in Congress as the thought leaders for future maritime The letter was squarely aimed at enhancing the U.S. in- policy. On January 30, 2024, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) dustrial shipbuilding base, in both the commercial and mili- and Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL-6) led a letter to tary sectors, to counteract the growing strategic in? uence
President Biden, joined by 17 other members of Congress, of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over the maritime urging the White House to embrace a “bold and clear vi- space. Senator Kelly and Rep. Waltz doubled-down on their sion” for the future of U.S. sea power. Among other recom- position, joined by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. John mendations – including establishing an interagency mari- Garamendi (D-CA-8) on April 30, 2024, with the issuance time policy coordinator – the Congressional group urged of the Congressional Guidance for a National Maritime
President Biden to issue a Presidential Determination to Strategy. The members did not mince words, stating plainly, establish “commercial, civil, and military shipbuilding and “Decades of neglect by the U.S. government and private shipping industries, with their associated domestic infra- industry has weakened our shipbuilding capacity and mari- structure and workforces, as elements on the nation’s criti- time workforce, contributing to a declining U.S.-? ag ship- cal infrastructure sectors list and authorize the Department ping ? eet to bring American goods to market and support of Defense to utilize its Defense Production Act Title III the U.S. military during wartime.” The Congressmen again authorities to invest in the commercial shipbuilding and took aim at the threat of growing PRC in? uence over the shipping industries and civilian infrastructure and work- maritime domain, stating that the PRC had become “the forces, in coordination with the Maritime Administration.” world’s top shipbuilding and shipping nation, boasting 230
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